Ijust aquired two juv. nile monitors, Ikeep them in a two foot vision cage, with english ivy, asparaguss fern and bamboo. The temp varies from 80F-87F daytime, 77F at nigh. I live in south-central WI so the humidity is around 50-80%, I use zoomeds repti-sun 2.0 full spec. bulb, I mist once a day excluding days when humidity is relatively high, I give them nekton rep. However one of them seems to be very dehydrated, so I have been spraying the water withesu stress ease, and every morning I give him 40cc ofherpcare electrolyte & appetite stimulant/and tetras vitalife. I have bred colubids, crotalus,veileds, panthers,dendrobates,hell a very large number of herps, and I'm not sure what is wrong. I even checked for parasites"noting".
Please if you can help my lizard email me or send message here.