0.1 True Egyptian Cobra, Proven Breeder, $125......1.0 Banded Egyptian, CB'02, speckled banding, $130......0.2 Black-neck Spitters,
4'+ WC/LTC 4+ yrs, $100, and a CB'03 female $50......0.2 Red Spitters, Bright
Red,CB'03 $175 ea......1.0 Nubian Spitter, WC, LTC-1+ yr, $175......0.1 Sri Lankan
Spectacled Cobra, CB'99 Proven Breeder, $350......7.0 Sri Lankan Spectacled Cobras,
CB'05, by female above, $125 ea......1.0 Lavender Albino Retic, CB'02, $1500......All are
eating and in great health. I have a buddy that can ship by Delta or you can pick them
up in central NC. I have or can take pics of
all. Serious and qualified persons only.