The following is all for sale: 1 Juvenile Hog Island Boa, beautiful blue/grey color on the body and salmon pink near the eyes. 1 Juvenile to Adult Dumeril's Boa, very friendly, loves big rat snacks, beautiful brown and tan colors and patterns, a true example of the specie's camoflauge, 5+ ft. 1 Common Boa, basic boa colors, very friendly when shes well fed, come with a custom 2 story wood cage with plexi glass doors with locks for easy access, 6+ ft. 1 Female Puff Adder venomoid, has eating problems im currently working on to give her some weight back, she was injurred by a mouse, it ate of an infection i was in the process of getting treated by a vet, the wound is healing, but has a while yet. I just really want a good home for her, 3 ft. 1 Juvenile Northern Pacific Rattlesnake venomoid, cool for a first time venomoid or rattlesnake, makes good handling practices, eats well and feeds on pinkie rats or med to lg mice prekilled. 1 Veiled Chameleon, comes with cage, vines, plants, water fall, lights and heater. Also available are 20 gal. and 40 gal. spare tanks available, along with an egg icubator and an egg light. Hog Island Boa comes with lights, heater and 40-50 gal. tall glass tank. Dumeril's Boa comes with 100 gal. long glass take, wood sidings, "slid in" lock top, lights and heater. Puff Adder come with 60-80 gal. long glass aquarium with 3ft metal stand with bottm rack open for a few 20 gal. tanks, lights and zoo med heating pad. Rattle snake comes with 65 gal. mesh cage with lights. All cages have subrate and furniture already.I have a box of extra rocks, plants, etc. Chamealeon comes with 65 gal. mesh cage, vine, trees, branches, rock water fall, lights, heat lamp and a zoo med little dripper. Everything listed must go, make me an offer. Animals available for pick up, shipping price icluded with set ups and larger snakes, prices negotiable, photos avaiable. moving out.
Phone: 509 548 0777 Email: