I have the following animals available for sale/trade at this time
1.0 LTC Northern Copperhead havre de grace md Breeder male
0.1 LTC Northern copperhead Ohio Large breeder female, slight stump tail nice big girl, poss gravd $125 pair
1.0 WC Mojave Rattlesnake pounding mice nice rattlesnake $75
1.0 LTC W. Pigmy Rattlesnake, amazing clean arkansas Large male, eats anything (including hands) $125
0.1 WC Southern Copperhead Coastal plain s NC animal, nice clean pattern no spots, $50
2.0 CbR Spotted Turtles nice healthy adult males $150 ea
OTW this month CB kansas locality osage copperheads (smokin white n greys) and CB Hyde Co NC eastern cottonmouths( nice red offspring which turn into nicely banded large adults). I am interested in Lots of trades, for 0.1 adult C. scutellatus cali prefered, 0.2 adult great basin rattlesnakes, Any female transpecos copperheads, 1.0 adult or subadult wa gaboon viper,Echis any sp, cape puff adders anysex, pu in VA MD NC area ONLY. Thanks again for your time,
Jared Watts