Due to an unexpected upcoming move, I have to sell my private hot collection. All animals eat fine, are in excellent health, and have been given top notch care. I have as much breeder info and animal care notes as possible. Contact me with any questions, many photos available to serious inquiries. I’ll entertain all trade offers, but I’m mainly interested in ball python morphs. I'd like to sell as a group, or packages, so discounts are possible. Pick up at Hamburg (Sept. 8th), or a possible meet in PA. Thanks for looking!!
I’ll let the whole group go for $1650.
All venomous laws apply, must be 18+yrs old, and I reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone I deem unfit. It is up to the buyer to know their laws, although I will be checking. I CAN NOT be held responsible for any consequences associated with keeping venomous reptiles.
1.0 Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake – $75
Sistrurus miliarius barbouri
DOB – C.B.B. spring 2003
~ 18”, full grown adult, nice orange.
1.1 Slender Hognose Vipers – $300 pair
Porthidium ophryomegas
DOB – C.B.B. summer 2003
Male - 25”, 247 grams and female - 30”, 344 grams, full grown adults ready to breed. Both animals have great color, although the female is outstanding. Produced by Brad McCarthy.
1.0 Shield Nosed Cobra – $225
Aspidelaps scutatus scutatus
DOB – C.B.B. spring 2002
- 20”, 152 grams, full grown adult. This guy has an excellent orange body with a solid black head/neck. Produced by Jim Merli.
1.1 Broad Banded Copperheads - $225 pair
Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus
DOB – C.B.B. spring 2003
Male ~ 26”, 220 grams and female ~ 27”, 404 grams, full grown adults. They have been showing breeding activity, but nothing confirmed. Male has nice color, but the female has incredible orange. The female had a slight tail injury when she was young (before I acquired her), but it doesn’t affect her negatively at all. Produced by Marty Peidl.
1.0 Western Massasauga – $75
Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus
DOB – C.B.B. fall 2003
~ 24”, full grown adult. Produced by Kevin Brown.
1.1 Panamint Speckled Rattlesnakes – $275 pair
Crotalus mitchelli stephensi
DOB – C.B.B. spring 2004
Male ~ 21”-22”, 108 grams and female - 26”, 301 grams, small adults. I was told by the breeder that this specific local stayed relatively small and they have. They’re around 2 ft and don’t appear to be getting any larger. Both animals have very nice color to them. Produced by Kevin Brown.
1.1 West African Gaboon Vipers – $500 pair
Bitis gabonica rhinoceros
DOB – C.B.B spring 2006.
Male - 36”, 1370 grams and female - 40”, 2550 grams, sub-adults. These guys have NICE size to them and the female is going to be a big girl. They’re barely 18 months old and won’t be slowing down anytime soon. I was told their parents are rather large too. The male has nice tan and purple and the female has lots of pink. I haven’t tried to breed them, but I’ve observed a lot of courting, and what I believe to be copulation. These are NOT for the faint of heart. Produced by Matt Crews.
1.0 Red Spitting Cobra – $350
Naja pallida
DOB – C.B.B. spring 2003.
- 50”-52”, 907 grams, full grown adult. He has excellent color and iridescence. Very laid back for a Naja, but he is still a cobra and must be treated as such. Produced by Xotic Pets.