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Nov 09, 2007
OXY-JANSEN Hybrids (G. oxycephala x G. janseni)
These snakes are a cross between G. oxycephala X G. janseni , and to the best of my knowledge this is the first captive hybridization of Gonyosoma ever. It has been hypothesized by many Gonyo keepers that these 2 snakes are actually different color morphs of the same species. There has been little to no taxonomic work done to prove/disprove this assumption.
The female is a green/silver tailed Indonesian oxycephala crossed with a male black Selayar jansen. The result is a snake that looks very much like an oxycephala, but has black arrows radiating from the skin into the green scales giving a speckled appearance.
They are pure C/B, easy to care for, and thrive in captivity Prices are as follows, and do not include shipping.
At present I only have 2.1 hybrids left, and these may be the last for some time, as my girl just had her first ever infertile clutch of eggs. There are 1.1 from the same clutch, which are about 6 months old, and 1.0 which is a yearling half way through his color change.
1.1 are $900 shipped!
1.0 is $500 shipped!
Take all 3 for $1300 and I'll cover the shipping
Trades considered.
None entered
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