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Nov 18, 2007
Naja Kauothia
1.0.0 Early 06 Formosa cobra (Naja Kauothia). Produced by Diamond Reptile Breeders. Hes 3.5' and eats f/t mice or small rats. He is priced at $300obo.
1.1.0 07 Albino Monocled Cobras (Naja Kauothia). Produced by Brad McCarthy. They are around 18"-24" and eat f/t hoppers. They eat f/t hoppers or small mice. I am asking $300 for the pair or I will seperate them and the prices will be $125 for the male and $175 for the female.
Trades for Atheris, Bothriechis, Echis, Other Naja, Cerastes, and certain Crotalus. If you have something else try me the worst I can say is no thanks.
Pics available at the Website Below.
These snakes are available for pickup at the Dec. 1st Hamburg show I will have a table there. Or they can be picked up in Pennsylvania.
You must be 18yrs. or older to purchase venomous snakes and live in a area that allows you to keep them. Know your laws as I will ask.
Thanks for looking,
Joe G.
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