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Jul 07, 2008
So my gravid wife should drop our sling by end of this month. That being said I think its time to make some diaper money :) So everything below is on sale this week. Thanks everyone!
You can access them all here
Poecilotheria rufilata - Redslate Ornamental - 1 inch
was $45.00
now $40.00
Poecilotheria miranda - Bengal-Spotted Ornamental - 1 inch
was $90.00
now $75.00
Paraphysa scrofa - Chilean Copper .5 inch
was $12.00
now $8.00
Pamphobeteus nigricolor - Blue bloom tarantula - 1 inch
was $50.00
now $44.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - 1.5 inch+
was $40.00
now $30.00
Holothele incei - Trinidad Olive 1 inch
was $30.00
now $23.00
Haplopelma lividum - Cobalt Blue - 3+ inch - Wild Caught
was $35.00
now $25.00
Haplopelma albostriata - Thai Zebra - 2 inch wild caught
was $25.00
now $20.00
Ephebopus murinus - Skeleton Tarantula 1.5 inch
was $30.00
now $25.00
Cyriocosmus elegans - Trinidad Dwarf .5 inch
was $40.00
now $30.00
Chilobrachys fimbratus - Indian Violet - .5 inch
was $15.00
now $12.00
Brachypelma emelia - Mexican Redleg - .5 inch
was $20.00
now $17.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Curlyhair - 2.5 inch
was $20.00
now $15.00
Avicularia versicolor - Versicolor - 1 inch
was $30.00
now $20.00
Aphonopelma seemanni - Costa Rican Zebra - .5 inch
was $15.00
now $12.00
Acanthoscurria juruenicola 1.5 inch
was $50.00
now $40.00
Scolopendra subspinipes “Hong Kong” - 1.25"
was $15.00
now $10.00
Malaysian Giant - Scolopendra subspinipes
was $60.00
now $55.00
Vaejovis spinigerus - Striped Devil Scorpions - 1/4 inch body
was $8.00
now $4.00
Scolopendra - Thia Giant - 1.25 inch CB
was $10.00
now $8.00
Babycurus jacksoni - Captive bred 3/4 inch in body
was $15.00
now $12.00
Dwarf Scorpion - Liocheles australasiae From Malaysia
was $40.00
now $35.00
None entered
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