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Jun 19, 2009
Since the economy sucks right now...
Im recently laid off so im sad to say i have to let go of some of my high end snakes.
I have 1.0 c.b. 08 "blizzard" monocled cobra. He is as tame as a corn snake and is not agressive in the least. I paid $1,600.00 for him but i am offering him for a non negotiable price of $800.00 There are only 14 of these in the world right now. He is pounding rat babies like clock work and is all in all a really great snake that i dont want to get rid of but unfortunatly I have to. He was produced by diamond reptiles in 2008 by a breeding of a leucistic and a sunset Naja kaoutia.
I also have 0.1 c.b. 07 blue eyed leucistic monocled cobra that is possible het for sunset that im selling for $500.00.
These snakes are for pick up in PA only. NO SHIPPING sorry.
Can send pics via email.
Also some cages available that i no longer need call for more info on cages.
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