We need to step up to the plate and help, as it may be our own lives we are helping in the long run!
The Venom Response guys are facing serious budgetary crisis and we need to step up to the plate and let everyone involved in the decision making process know that they are a stellar example of how things SHOULD be done, and that their impact is felt FAR outside of the FL borders.
The job these guys do is second to no one, the importance is critical and a program like this should be copied and duplicated, not cut back, weakened or hampered.
PLEASE show your support for the program and the work they do by contacting the list below, RESPECTFULLY, PROFESSIONALLY.
Thank you for your efforts,
Ernest Jillson, Captain
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue
Venom Response Bureau, OIC
(786) 331-4443 Office
(786) 331-4451 Fax
Dear Concerned Citizens, 14 July, 2009
This letter is being sent to you to enlist your help and support in keeping the Venom Response Team from Miami Dade Fire Rescue alive, and able to provide community services and assist you in the event of an emergency.
As you are probably aware, MDFR’s Venom Response Team maintains the largest, most comprehensive, antivenom bank in the United States. We are currently available for emergency responses on a 24/7 basis and can deploy and deliver antivenom quickly throughout the State of Florida and beyond. Additionally, we respond to over 400 Africanized Bee calls a year (mitigating the situation if possible), as well as animal rescue calls in our county. We also provide community outreach, Envenomation Management and Africanized Bee Response Training for other agencies and “Dangerous Critters” education for many schools, public gatherings and private groups.
Budget cuts in our department are threatening our unit and our response capabilities. We could easily be cut back to skeleton staffing, which will eliminate many services and significantly slow our response times. We are doing everything we can to prevent these cuts but we need YOUR help!
Please take a moment to e-mail or call the Mayor’s Office and Miami Dade County Commissioners listed below and let them know how our program is important to you, your company, clients, or group. Our response and education area is not limited to Dade County so your voices need to be heard to let the Commissioners know that you do care and don’t want Venom Response to be dismantled.Their meeting to decide on cuts is upcoming July 21, 2009, please make your voices heard before that date.
Our services are important to many, in and out of the Dade County area, and we want to continue to be here for you. Today our unit’s life is in your hands. Please feel free to forward this to any of your contacts. The more voices they hear the better! Thank you in advance for your support and assistance.
Best Regards,
MDFR Venom Response Team – 786-331-4444 mdfrantivenom@miamidade.gov
Mayor Carlos Alvarez - (305) 375-5071 mayor@miamidade.gov
Chairman Dennis Moss District 9 - (305) 375-4832 district9@miamidade.gov
Vice Chairman Jose "Pepe" Diaz District 12 - (305) 599-1200 district12@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Barbara Jordan District 1 - (305) 474-3011 district1@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Dorrin Rolle District 2 - (305) 694-2779 district2@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Audrey Edmonson District 3 - (305) 636-2331 district3@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Sally Heyman District 4 - (305) 787-5999 district4@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Bruno Barriero District 5 - (305) 643-8525 district5@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Rebeca Sosa District 6 - (305) 267-6377 district6@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Carlos Gimenez District 7 - (305) 669-4003 district7@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Katy Sorenson District 8 - (305) 378-6677 district8@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Javier Souto District 10 - (305) 222-2116 district10@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Joe Martinez District 11 - (305) 552-1155 district11@miamidade.gov
Commissioner Natacha Seijas District 13 - (305) 375-4831 district13@miamidade.gov
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