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Posted by
Jul 29, 2009
For Trade
psp,32g zune, and ipod clipon shuffle
I have a slim black psp with a bunch of accseories that include 2 movies and 2 games and 2 cases 1 hard case and 1 soft case it also comes with some game holders and a memory card holder that also comes with a 32mb memory card with the usb/carcharger that you can use to charge it on the computer to and it comes with the wall charger i also have a 32g zune with over 1000 songs and 5 movies it can also listen to the radio it also comes with headphones also i have an ipod clip-on with like 10-15 songs with headphones and the charger i will take reasonable cash offers but will trade for pythons or boas mostly in a granite burmese or green burmese or rainbow boas or in baby yellow or green ancondas or in carpet pythons or in a ball python female around 3.5 ft all snakes cant be bigger than 6ft! i would aslo trade for some cageing i will ship just email me for inforamtion,
thanks for looking,
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