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Nov 06, 2012
Baton Rouge venomous inventory
The Hibernaculum will be bringing the following animals to the Baton Rouge repticon show on Nov10/11.
Tiger nice colored males 225
Mottled Rock Hueco Mtns super rare western range limit 235
Hopi long-term adult 175
AZ Black nice established male from Mt Ord very black 225
AZ and TX Blacktails several locales of rodent feeders available 85-145
Canebrake CB very nice from N. FL stock 85
Eastern Diamondbacks getting hard to obtain juveniles and young adults 95-145
S.W. Speckled several locales available adults and babies 95-245
Panamint Speckled CB ‘12 lone pine CA locale 85
S. Pacific adults and babies 85
Uracoans CB ‘10 85
Red Diamondbacks desert phase captives and wild caughts 95-145
Colorado Sidewinders CB ‘12 nice whiteish coloration on PINKS 95
Dusky Pygmies CB babies, adults and juveniles 25-45
Carolina Pygmy north GA maroon coloration 125. Classic Hyde red 195
Int. Massasaugas CB super nice desert/western F2 crosses 75
W. Massasaugas great choice for first venomous snake 45
W.African Gaboon Vipers farmed raised ’12 babies growing fast 125
W. African Bush Vipers great feeding established imports 135
Eyelash Vipers CB pink color phase 150-275
Purple Spotted Pit Vipers long term young adults 95
Flat-Nosed Pit Viper green phase 95
Beautiful Tree viper T. venustus green and red awesome CB babies 145
Brazilian Lanceheads CB babies 85
S. Copperhead several locales available 35-50
Mexican Cantil CB yearling 135
Monocled Cobras CB babies Albinos 125
All animals are healthy and feeding on rodents. This will be my last trade show until next spring. I accept paypal to hold animals. Feel free to call Kevin with any questions. Also check out my non-ven list and www.facebook/TheHibernaculum as well. Hope to see you there
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