(Sarasota, FL, 34203),I've been looking to get
my venomous reptile permit for some time
I will pay per hour documented, nothing crazy..
even 1$ an hour is $1,000 (can pay by hour, or
the full amount at the end of training) and free
volunteer work for you, and the permit for me.
If hours are being documented I WILL ALSO
clean, feed, work with non venomous reptiles
for free, box reptiles for shipping, even clean
facilities, as long as i'm able to document
hours working with venomous snakes or
heloderma that you can sign off on.
I have the experience in field work, and can
handle venomous snakes with confidence.
many years working with reptiles. My main
reason for wanting the permit is to breed and
keep Heloderma. If you would like we could set
up an interview or meeting.. I'm willing to drive
an hour each way if i can get a lot of work
done. I am over the legal age in florida to work
with and own venomous, and I want to abide
by all FL laws and regulations.
Contact text or call at 941-993-4102.