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Jun 25, 2004
colubrid/scinkid feeders
Hello, nice forum you all have here. I used to mainatain the ASU display of live herps including monsters/snattlerakes/etc...Im not keeping front fangs now, tho my regalis are amazingly deadly on squamates! Anyway...
Im trying to locate [legal]...feeder skinks/glass lizards/racerunners, or any small smooth scaled colubrids such as ground snakes, corn snake culls (kinked tails, etc).
I [and several others] need them to feed our Az. corals & Regal ringnecked snakes.
Despite the diversity here in the SW, its actually a major pain to find these small feeders.
Our baby corals & regals are even tougher to provide food for so Newborn skinks/tantillas/??? are ideal prey for these neonates, so please dont overlook this size class.
I am not sure how well neonate water & garter snakes would be received, so initially few of these are needed.
I can use these feeders healthy & alive, or fresh frozen.
If it were expected that to collect 25-50 individuals would take a period of time; to freeze small numbers as they were collected in ziplock baggies [w/ a bit of water to seal them] would be ideal.
Ideally, you'd freeze me up a wad & then send them w/ a dozen or so live, to reduce the costs of shipping.
This request for assistance is only offered where such collection/sale/export/etc of such feeders is legal.
I would be happy to pay your collecting expenses + shipping and assume we would discuss these details via phone.
Thnx for any assistance you can provide, John Gunn
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