RE: Copperhead Bite
by bittenonce on October 29, 2005
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Does anyone know how to contact DKT9572? She wrote about her copperhead bite on May 26, 2004 and her experience sounds very similar to mine. I was bitten on the left ankle 42 days ago and the swelling is still so intense (from toes to knee) that I cannot put on a shoe. No one in the medical community here in Oklahoma has ANY idea what to expect concerning how long this thing is going to last. I would like to talk to her further about her healing process. Also, poison control told me there is a newer antivenom made from sheep that doesn't have the side effects of the older horse antivenom. The say the hospital should have administered it. I wonder just how better my healing would have been had I received the antivenom.
Anybody familiar with the newer antivenom?
RE: Copperhead Bite
by Myrna on November 8, 2005
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Hello Dew,
I hope your son is now well. I am writing because I have received two bites, both believed to be Copperhead. I saw neither snake. The second bite was this morning at about 10:00 a.m. when I was walking about my yard. This bite has not caused as severe symptoms as the first, but it scared me. (I am neither professional nor amateur - just a hapless victim.)
I was first bitten on an early summer evening about two years ago. I began to feel very ill and noticed unusual swelling on my right hand and arm. The arm became numb to my shoulder. The severe nausea came in waves for a few hours. I did not seek medical attention, because I had no idea it was a snake bite. I am very allergic to insect bites and stings, and thought this was probably just another insect bite; I did not notice the fang marks.
About two or three weeks later, I saw my Dermatologist and explained my symptoms and the pain, which was not terribly severe. He showed me the fang marks on my inside arm, about two inches above my wrist. There is still a bit of an unusual feeling there, not quite numbness, but I know it's there.
Since that time, I have endured two bouts of Mononucleosis, which is not supposed to happen. You are only supposed to have it once. I have no idea if there is a connection, but after reading your post, I have to wonder.
Last week, out of desperation, I consulted a Homeopath who advised me to take Lachesis Mutus 6c (Bushmaster Snake Venom). It has helped me feel better. The bite this morning swelled, but not as much as the previous bite.
I've said all of this to say that your son might improve by seeing a Homeopath. I located my Homeopath by Internet search. I hope this will help you. I wish the very best for your son, you and your family.
RE: Copperhead Bite
by YoYoBo on December 1, 2005
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I just read your entry about your son. Hopefully, by now your son is okay and those chronic symptoms have resolved. However if not, I have a suggestion that will very likely help in a definitive way.
I am going to say something that may sound really strange to you - or not depending on your belief system. I am a homeopathic physician. I administer homeopathic (super diluted) doses of snake venoms (and many other medicines) to patients for various chronic health complaints on a regular basis. Your son, if still symptomatic, would very likely benefit greatly by having a very dilute dose of a homeopathic snake venom. It is hard to explain why, but consider it like giving a virus. The super diluted dose would act to stimulate his system to finally resolve the symptoms. There is a lot more I can say about this, but would only do so if there a need and/or you are interested to hear more.
Contact me if you are interested and if not, best of luck.
Dr. Shannon
RE: Copperhead Bite
by Pigbaby on December 26, 2005
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I live in Louisburg NC. I currently keep copperheads as I have for many years. Copperheads are the most common venomous snake in our state and can be found from the coast to the mountains. During summer months the copperhead becomes increasingly nocturnal in nature due to the higher temp.'s during the day light hours. I racall you stated that a construction worker had spotted a snake as well. I assume that you may be living near a new construction job where woods may have been thinned. Any time you have a brush pile, logs etc. you can exspect to find a copperhead. I can assure you that there are many copperheads near your home. But I must admit that it is unlikely that you should ever see one. Count yourself blessed to have had the chance to share this adventure with your child. I was pleased that you did not kill the animal, what a good example you have set. You are a testiment to your upbringing.
RE: Copperhead Bite
by timers on February 20, 2006
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Have you considered that your son's problems may be mercury poisoning from the mercury in the antivenin? They put mercury in the antivenin in the form of thimerosol - the same stuff that is under massive controversy in vaccinations with children and the problems caused - and it's not a small amount. I got it and had problems. He should get tested with a chelation challenge test. Normal doctors won't know about it so study it on the internet first. DMSA is a good choice for chelator especially if he has it in his stomach.
RE: Copperhead Bite
by MaryAnn on May 28, 2006
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I was bitten by a Copperhead Snake just below my left ankle 5/21/06 at 2320 hours. Today is Sunday 5/28/06, I still have a swollen ankle, pain in my calf and knee. Frequent stomach cramping. I'm still tired and thirsty, but the discoloration and swelling is nearly gone. How are you doing? How long did it take you to recover? How long were you off work? Do you have any complications from the bite or suspected problems? Would love to hear from you,; We are in East Texas, thanks, Mary Ann
RE: Copperhead Bite
by chrisb on July 9, 2006
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OK, I'm a new member to the Copperhead snake bite community, and am not happy to be included. My bite was from a 10-12" snake, located between my right instep and big toe. It happened on 7/1/06 @ 9pm. My foot swelled pretty quickly, and I went to the emergency room. They gave me an IV and took a blood test, watched me for 3 1/2 hours and let me go home. The next 72 hours were a burning hell when I tried to crutch around - the couch to the bathroom. Keeping my thigh parrallel to the ground was the only way to walk. My calf to my knee was painful to the touch too. It is now Sunday 7/9/06. I am still on crutches, the swelling is from about 2" above the ankle down. I feel a tightness in my calf still, and get the "needles" feeling on top of my foot when I crutch around. I was "walking" with crutches on it yesterday evening for a bit, and it swelled to a bright red. The foot is still very warm to the touch. I wasn't given any antivenom or antibiotics and have been taking Advil only. I saw the emergency room doctor and my general phys. last monday. Neither one have had much if any experience in Copperhead bites, it seemed to me. That's my story. I am asking for anyone to tell me should I have been given, or should I get antibiotics? How ling should I expect to have swelling? How long should I expect before I walk without crutches? If you had to get a bite, is a small snake worse, the same or better in terms of delivering an injury? Going crazy in Texas...chrisb
RE: Copperhead Bite
by bittenonce on July 9, 2006
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This is for chrisb, the newest member of our evergrowing "society" of snake bite victims! My bite was 10 months ago. I would be glad to e-mail you of my experience if you would e-mail me. Kathy in Oklahoma at
RE: Copperhead Bite
by jennalayne on July 26, 2006
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I live in Annapolis, Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay. My 8-year old Golden Retriever died yesterday from organ failure due to what we believe was a copperhead snake bite. We never saw the snake that bit him. The area where we walked him is surrounded by woods and we often follow a trail that leads down to Broad Creek, a tributary of the South River. Goldens are a breed that rarely complain even when they are in pain. We think he was bitten during a walk at dusk, but we did not notice the swollen paw until the next day.
We did not know he had been bitten by a snake. The surgeon that treated the wound to his paw said the tissue deterioration and swelling of the limb suggested a venomous snake bite, probably a copperhead (we have both copperheads and timber rattlesnakes in Maryland). By the time he was admitted to our veterinary hospital the internal damage caused by the venom was too widespread. His kidneys and liver failed and he lapsed into a coma. At this point, his surgeon advised us to put him to sleep.
We are still in shock, devastated by the loss of a our beautiful golden. We did not understand the cause of his illness, only that he declined rapidly after being bitten. It could have been myself or my husband who sustained the bite, in which case we would easily have seen the wound. All we can do is wear boots when in the woods and try to be more aware of our surroundings. This was a painfull reminder of the dangers that lurk just outside the front door.
RE: Copperhead Bite
by LindaPA on August 21, 2006
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Hi there. I recently got bit on vacation in KY, (saturday, August 19th). I asked in the hosp about antibitoics and they told me a Tetanus shot was enough unless the bite spot looks bad. I did get some antivenum. However, they told me that it did more harm than good and did not give me more as they had planned. I was in the hosp 3 days. they were worried about the swelling that travelled up my arm. I am wondering about any long term effects of the bite. it doesn't seem that there will be any, but i was wondering.
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