Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by MasterTurtle on July 8, 2006
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Hello Mark,
My Name is Reed I asked you a while ago about a herp related project. I am now curious if by some off shot you may know some info on C. aspera the Viper boa. I am looking into getting one but have run across 2 problems A. much conflicting info in care sheets and B. lack of them for sale online. If you could resolve either of these problems? Thank you very much! Another Question I had is what is in your opinion the best rout to go to get hot training I will be turning 17 soon and want to find a source for it so I can start as soon as I am 18. I know a much esteemed herpetologist here in Austin that I might be able to get training form is that the way you suggest getting the experience? Thank you very much!
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by frenchfry on August 1, 2006
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Hello Mark, first let me tell you that you are a huge influence on me and my collection. I have always enjoyed watching O'Shea's Big Adventure! I truly envy you and the other recognized herpetologists internationally. Now on to my question. I am currently in possession of one Boige Dendrophilia and I have poured of loads of information but determining sex has eluded me. If you could shed some light on this beautiful species I would truly appreciate it! Thank You!
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by gingerm196442 on August 2, 2006
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Dear Mr.O'Shea,
I am interested in finding out about becoming a herpetologist.I have had a ball python and a corn snake.What subjects do you sugjest i study?My Name is ginger and i am 42 yrs.old
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by mikes19 on August 11, 2006
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mark im a bin fan of you i would love to meet you do you go to any reptile shows on the east cost of the usa and what zoo are you at
RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by Soulweaver on August 20, 2006
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Would you be interested in writing some articles for the Victorian Herpetological Society here in Melbourne Australia??
I cna be contacted throught he V.H.S site or my email address attached to this site
Luke Ludwell
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by cachinho on September 20, 2006
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I'm Debora from Brazil..doing Bachelor of Science in biology majoring in zoology.i´m 22 years, I'm working with venomous snakes. I would like to know what do you think about dry bites, why does it happens?
thank you.... best wishes
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by dalton94 on September 29, 2006
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Hello Mark,
I just have a few questions for you. I was wondering how you decided to become a herpetologist? Have you ever been to West Virginia before? And how long did it take you to become a herpetologist?
Thank You,
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by vietherp on October 16, 2006
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Hello Mark. Loved your book,i Live and travel constantly in Rural central Vietnam,and studied Vietnmaese for years, Love the Fascinating Snakes! but Vietnamese regard all cobras besides the king as spitters or not(this usually occurs after thay start spitting at you as one of my uncles found out much to his discomfort he looked like rocky after the first fight for a week, but recovered fully, Not very good for identification purposes! I've seen so many color varieties and variation of spitting abilities with and without Hood markings, that i'm just obsessed to find out what kind of cobras they are!
I regularly "disturb" cobras in my garden, a mutual retreat is usually the order of the day for both parties,and "malayan" pitvipers are also a pretty common sight,around the plantation knee high rubber boots are used often,they have a very pink like hue almost like a dusted blush on their skins and their pattern and camouflage is superb
My Questions are
1.What Cobras inhabit Vietnam? is vietnam some sort of cobra cross roads?where a wide variety of ranges cross?fron indian to indo-chinese,(monocoled),king, or is a lack of study the problem
2 what is usually the highest elevation cobras can be found at and what is the minimum temperatures you think that they are active?(do they eat eggs?)
3.I've never seen a russells viper here, do they occur in vietnam at all?
4.Can you suggest any "classic" or more detailed detailed works on the different species of Asian cobras,any internet searches about vietnam, snakes and cobras brings forth a ton of info about the vietnam war, none about snakes
5. why does one very famous and quite good nature show host never encounter a spitting cobra in all his travels through asia? this to me is simply not possible
I've personally observed at least 20-30 cobras in the wild Most of them spit!
6 How are we ever going to get a hold of your series!
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by b_mcclister on October 23, 2006
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Hello Mark:
In your book "Venomous Snakes of the World", it states that there are 4 species of mamba (3 green and 1 black) yet you only covered the Black Mamba and the Eastern Green Mamba. Can you tell me about the "other" species not covered in the book?
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