RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by CJROY on April 22, 2007
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hello mr. mark
good to see u again.....sir can u kindly tell me that what sort of photographic equipment u use while photographing reptiles..pls specify the lens and the camra body... i recenty bought a copy of "snakes of india" by RW & AC. saw some som of ur pics too...
hope u r fine and take care of urself ...
Chirag Roy
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by SugoiNoVenom on May 3, 2007
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Mr. O'Shea-
I purchased your book "Venomous Snakes of the World" and have read it nearly cover-to-cover and highly respect your work. After reading your book, however, I was left with a couple of questions which I hope would not be too bothersome to answer:
First; how does a South-American snake obtain the name "Lichtenstein's Green Racer" (Philodryas olfersii).
Second; Youmentioned the possibility of the King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) becoming several subspecies--has this happened, yet?
I have been studying reptiles, and elapids in particular, for as long as I can remember (and am fairly computer illiterate), and would much appreciate an answer.
Thank you.
RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by Mark_OShea on June 12, 2007
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Hi Martyn
Not been around to answer questions for a while.
Whne I made the film in Costa Rica, way back in '99, we travelled widely through the eastern half of the country. Now I don't recall the common names for the frogs we found, esp. now eight years later, but I was in the company of a top neotrpical frog expert Andrew Gray, and he idented most of them - snakes are strong point after all. You have provided a common name but no scientific name and since most of these species have conflicting common names I simply cannot answer your question. However, rest assured, the No.1 rule of OBA was No Setups, so if we found a species, we really did find it, end of story.
Regards, Mark
RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by Mark_OShea on June 12, 2007
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Dear Speckling
I am assuming you live in the US and the danger is you may have made the same assumption about me.
I am completely unfamilair with the US educational system as I am UK born, bred and educated.
However, if you look back over this Q&A I am sure you will find an answer as I must have been asked this question half a dozen times on this site alone. I hope that helps.
RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by Mark_OShea on June 12, 2007
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Dear Speckling
I am assuming you live in the US and the danger is you may have made the same assumption about me.
I am completely unfamilair with the US educational system as I am UK born, bred and educated.
However, if you look back over this Q&A I am sure you will find an answer as I must have been asked this question half a dozen times on this site alone. I hope that helps.
RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by Mark_OShea on June 12, 2007
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Hi Chirag
I shoot film (Velvia 100 slide film) 1n a Canon EOS 1V body and digital on an EOS 30D. I use 100 and 60mm macro lenses for msot of my close-up and flash, usually two units for main and fill-in, triggered by an infra-red transmitter on the camera. My latest toy is a 5x life-size macro lens and a maco-flash unit which enables me to photograph the underside of individual gecko toes - it opens up an entire new work beyond macro.\
RE: Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by Mark_OShea on June 12, 2007
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Hello SugoNoVenom
Thanks for buying Venomous Snakes of the World.
In answer to your questions: Philodryas olfersi is called Lichtehnstein's green racer because was described by Martin Hinrich Carl Litchtenstein in 1823, nothing to do with the European country of Liechtenstein.
As for the king cobra revision, we are all waiting but Indraneil Das has not publlished yet, and until he does, we must just wait. Come on Neil, you must have the Nepalese data by now !
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by gopalkrishna on August 6, 2007
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Mark,i have learnt quite a lot from your show on Animal Planet.I have been trying to contact you for a long time and finally i have come across this site.I am really concerned about not much being done to control human population.Don't you think all the field work and research work will become useless if finally there is no space for wildlife.Wildlife sanctuaries can work only for a short time because ultimately they lead to islandization.I don't understand why there should be competition between channels like Animal Planet and National Geographic which have a common goal.What do you think of Sir David Attenborough? I think his narration is simply brilliant.I hope to see you back on Animal Planet very soon.
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by boomslangandrew on December 4, 2007
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hi mark,
my name is andrew and i live in harlow essex i have been into reptiles since i was 5 and i am 11 now. As you know it is quite hard to find british reptiles and my parents don't approve in me snake hunting in dorset. i have a rat snake, tokay geko and corn snake
could you also give me some info to help me become a hereptologist
many thanks
Mark O'Shea Answers Questions
by sinbad on November 9, 2008
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I am currently living in thailand and often visit the mountain where a few of us have a get together admiring the view with a few beers, yesterday I was plucking some fruit from the bottom of a bush and when I stood up I found myself face to face about 6 inches from a gorgeous looking bright green what I beleive to be a whip snake approx 1.5 mtrs long slim and as said bright green. I took a photo of it and watched it elegantly glide off and after the initial shock was amazed that the snake had probably clocked me and was just as intrigued with my antics as I was with the snakes, I was going to send the photo of it to you but cannot find where to post it, but I hope to see many many more of thailand snakes.
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