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Metal Hook (Midwest) vs. Polycarbonate (ACE)
by Venomjunkie on June 28, 2007
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I'm looking into getting a few new hooks and I was wondering if there is really that much of a difference between metal hooks and polycarbonate hooks. I have a Midwest Standard Hook now and I love it but I have heard that the polycarbonate hooks from Animal Capture Equipment are better because they don't cause the snake to react as much as the cold metal hooks do. So my question is, is it worth giving the polycarbonate hooks from ACE a shot or should I stick to Midwest hooks (which I love as I said earlier)? Thanks in advance for any opinions!
RE: Metal Hook (Midwest) vs. Polycarbonate (ACE)
by Cro on June 29, 2007
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Dylan, you should purchase the type of hook that you like using.
The temperature of a metal snake hook will be the same as the room that it is in.
I do not believe that snakes will know the difference or react differently wether a metal or a polycarbonate hook is used.
I also wonder how well the new polycarbonate hooks will stand the test of time. Plastics change over time, and become brittle with age.
Metal, on the other hand has a proven track record.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Metal Hook (Midwest) vs. Polycarbonate (ACE)
by venom on June 29, 2007
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Personally everything I own with the exception of my old original home made job is Midwest.
Here at the Zoo, everything we use is Midwest.
That's all I'm gonna say about it :)
RE: Metal Hook (Midwest) vs. Polycarbonate (ACE)
by CrotalusCo on June 29, 2007
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I dont think you can go wrong either way. I mean unless you keep your metal hook in the fridge the ambient temp isnt that far off. Now I have not used the poly hooks and for the price they are charging it might be a while before i do. But I would like to give them a show if they would like to send me one to review
Crotalus & Company
RE: Metal Hook (Midwest) vs. Polycarbonate (ACE)
by Sal on July 3, 2007
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I use both hooks. Midwest at home and ACE at work. Honestly I like the Midwest ones better. The ACE hooks have a lot of give in them. Especially with bigger snakes. Now, ACE does have a neonate hook that is great! The ACE hooks are good with small snakes. However, I do not like them on the big ones. There is just something scary about a hook bending a lot while picking up a big atrox. ACE also has more sizes than Midwest, but I don't like anything over 18 inches.
The Midwest hooks feel a lot stronger even though it is a tad heavier. They also feel more balanced to me.
I have not noticed a different reaction from the plastic versus metal hook.
My recommendation...If its a small or thin snake, go with ACE. If its a heavy snake, get Midwest.
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