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hot laws
by FSB on July 7, 2007
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Can anyone tell me the laws concerning the keeping of reptiles, including hots, in Washington state? The link to Reptile Laws State-by-State doesn't seem to be functioning. Thanks very much, Fred Boyce: fred@nexet.net
RE: hot laws
by RepFan on July 7, 2007
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Sorry about the other site/link not working. Here is another and it is working as I have already checked in advance.
RE: hot laws
by MoccasinMan on July 7, 2007
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WA state just past the most restrictive version of the Animal Protection Institutes' model legislation in the country. all exotic reptiles have been banned.
RE: hot laws
by Kingetula on July 8, 2007
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I am sort of shocked Florida has not done the same thing. With all the non-native snakes, lizards, fish and wild life released every year around the state.
So what does Washington do now? Was anyone grandfathered in?
RE: hot laws
by FSB on July 8, 2007
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Well now, that IS depressing... I wonder if this will affect the Washington Serpentarium in Monroe? And what do these idiotic API people expect to happen to all the many thousands, if not millions, of captive-born exotic reptiles already in this country if they can't be properly housed and cared for? We're probably going to see a lot more cases of irresponsible people releasing their pets in very unsuitable places, or else otherwise law-abiding, responsible herp keepers being criminalized. This is in-sane. Wouldn't a gaboon viper born here be a native species? Are second-generation Italians or Irish people not Americans? We need to fight these people, hard!
RE: hot laws
by MoccasinMan on July 8, 2007
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We are fighting it in NC and SC. We have built strong organizations and have been very successful. if you want to fight this you should use NCARK as a model on how to successfully oppose API.
Andrew Wyatt
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