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Bad time for one of my eyelash pitvipers...
by Atheris303 on July 23, 2007
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Hi everyone,
Yesterday my male eyelash pitviper got severly bitten on the head by my female. It got bitten on the top of the head, one fang behind the eye, the other close to the opposite venom gland.
I am very surprised that it is still alive. Its head is very swollen but it is resting as usual on his favorite spot.
What do you guys think? If it is going to die for sure I don't want it to suffer and I would prefer to kill it humanely. Does it have a chance to make it?
Sorry for my bad english, any help appreciated...
RE: Bad time for one of my eyelash pitvipers...
by Rob_Carmichael on July 23, 2007
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Complete your profile so that you can get some responses (I'd be happy to offer some suggestions as I have personally gone through this).
Rob Carmichael
Wildlife Discovery Center
RE: Bad time for one of my eyelash pitvipers...
by Atheris303 on July 23, 2007
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Thanks Rob.
I've just complete my profile...I would be glad to hear about your experience.
RE: Bad time for one of my eyelash pitvipers...
by Cro on July 23, 2007
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Atheris, there is a very good chance that the Eyelash Viper will survive. It might have swelling for many days, but if it was going to die, it probably would have died by now.
Many snakes have some immunity to their own venom. However, the puncture wound caused by a fang to a heart, liver, kidney, or lung, can be fatal, due to physical damage to that organ.
I would give the snake time and see what happens. I am betting that it will survive.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: Bad time for one of my eyelash pitvipers...
by Atheris303 on July 24, 2007
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Thank you Cro
You're probably right, the poor fellow is still alive and it could be in my head but it seems that its head is slightly less swollen than yesterday.
I'm amazed by such a recovery, the bite was a VERY nasty one, the female kept the head in her jaw quite a long time when he was furiously trying to escape...I had quite a hard time making her release her grip. Also one of the puncture wound is very close from the eye, 2 millimeters ahead and I would now have a one-eyed-pitviper...
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