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Site Searching
by Ptk on August 11, 2007
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Did I miss it or does this site not have a F.A.Q. forum? It seems that a lot of "experts" are getting tired of answering the same old questions over and over again (and who could blame them). Before I post a question I try and look in the "ask the experts" archive but this is sorted by date and NOT sorted by title or subject. Perhaps an F.A.Q. would save a lot of monotonous questioning and answering. Unfortunately I am getting the impression that the only thing two experts can agree on, is what a third one did wrong!
RE: Site Searching
by Buzztail1 on August 11, 2007
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Regarding the desire for an FAQ page:
I am sure that eventually we will have an FAQ page but it is in a long list of things to get done.
RE: Site Searching
by Ptk on August 11, 2007
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Thanks for your reply Karl, you illistrated my point far better than I did. I am glad to know I am not the first or only one to think this a valuable idea. On one of the links you gave it dates back to 2003 so I have to assume its a pretty low priority. I will just have to keep using the site search feature for now.
I dont post often but I enjoy the site and appreciate all the hard work you guys put into it.
Cheers! - Patrick
RE: Site Searching
by earthguy on August 13, 2007
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Apparently, 'Do we have a FAQ page' will be the number one question on our new FAQ page.
I have five new preps this semester, two of which are online, but I'll try to put something together today or tomorrow. At least a start that can be updated.
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