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couple of thoughts
by SCatheris on December 30, 2007
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I've been thinkin a lot about bites I hear and read about. Everytime I ask myself how you can stay calm in a situation like that where you know you could possibly be dead? I know my heart would probably be goin 100 MPH if I had been bit. I just don't see how those of you who have been bit could have stayed calm ( if you did). Another thing is about a month ago I was around myspace and I came across a guy who seemed to have a huge ego not only that but he had plenty of pics of him with hots. Which is another thing I don't understand is how can somone be so..........conceited with an animal that can end their egotistical days? Nothin seems to add up anymore lol. What got me started on this was a previous post on here but I think it was CrotalYES. And as I said in that post I'm really glad I'm not one of those stupid kids who HAS to put their hands on a hot to look cool. when it comes down to me finding an hot I don't play around I know it can kill me and I could care less about looking cool. I don't love doing this to look "cool" I do it cause I love it. All (and the few) times I've come across a hot I've only used tools because there shouldnt be a reason to put my hands on it in that circumstance.
just thinking out loud/ ranting
RE: couple of thoughts
by MikeB on December 31, 2007
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Well, having tracked posts here for some time now, having kept a few hots in the distant past and having been around a few people who do . . . a couple of observations: I think there are two kind of people who get into this hobby . . . those who make up the vast majority of members of this board who truly love reptiles and are fascinated by the ultimate ones, the hots. They may do some important breeding projects, or even do some worthy academic studies, but most have a real desire to spread the reptile gospel that snakes -- even hots -- are essential parts of the ecosystem and ought not be haked to pieces just fro existing. I find that these folks are generally very cautious with their snakes, use mentors, follow the rules, etc.
The second and much smaller group seems to think that hots are "cool" and delights in taking risks. If they weren't trying to fondle rattlers they'd be doing bunjee jumping or extreme skateboarding. It's an adolescent male thing, sometimes lasting in post-adolescence, and unfortunately some of them wind up in those Darwin Award books.
RE: couple of thoughts
by SCatheris on December 31, 2007
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very true sure is a good thing that there aren't as many of them. But everytime they do something stupid you know it's gonna get media attention so ina way its kind of a quality over quanity thing. Sure theres not as many of them but when they do do something it blows up.
RE: couple of thoughts
by tigers9 on December 31, 2007
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couple of thoughts Reply
by SCatheris on December 30, 2007
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I've been thinkin a lot about bites I hear and read about. Everytime I ask myself how you can stay calm in a situation like that where you know you could possibly be dead? I know my heart would probably be goin 100 MPH if I had been bit. I just don't see how those of you who have been bit could have stayed calm ( if you did).
Well, my examples are not in the animal world, but from everyday situations.
Years ago my now ex husband shredded 3 of his fingers on table saw on dado blade (it is when u have few blades together to make wide groove cut). As a side note, we already had a tiger and other exotics, but he gets injured by power tool…
We lived in the country, and I knew it was faster if I drove him to the hospital then if I waited for the ambulance that would have most likely gotten lost.
My ex was freaking out and in horrible pain since fingers are some of the most sensitive part of our bodies, but for some reason my body switched to adrenaline mode, kind of like everything else automatically shut off, and all I concentrated on was to quickly clean his shredded hand in running cold water, put ice on it and drive to the hospital.
He always was a typical man telling his wife how to drive, now that he was in pain, he was even worse, usually I would talk back an dnot put up with any of this BS, but this day my body was totally immune to this drivel, I was totally focused on getting him to the surgery.It was like I was on autopilot. Once he was in surgery and my responsibility/work was done, my body went to normal, and I felt tired,, emotional, all the normal stuff…
Then about 2 years ago we were driving with my current boyfriend and car in front of us ended up getting on shoulder off road and ended up in the desert on the roof. Again, my body went to mode where I was totally focused on the incident, emotions slow u down, I called 911 (this was 40 minutes from any nearest hospital), once the call was done, we went to the car to see who was in it, it was an older couple, they were alive but stuck in the car. Doors were locked…anyway, after a while others drivers stopped by and by the time ambulance and police showed up, we had the people freed from the mangled car, ., both surviving, out of the car resting on pillows other drives provided ,we needed to do it since we had no clue if gas tank was leaking and if there was a possibility of fire. Hard to explain, but when you face extreme situations, your body kind of knows what to do.After we left the scene, again, my mind starting to finally realize how scary the situation was, but not while we were working on it.
RE: couple of thoughts
by squigy on January 1, 2008
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Calm is just a state of mind. I find that some people reach it easily, some people do the "autopilot" as said above, and some people can't get there to save their life. Usually the people that can't be calm are the one's that shouldn't own animals (of any kind), and are realizing that the show off mode is over and reality sucks. Sometimes a bite makes them wisen up sometimes not. I knew that I was ready to own hots when an atheris sprung it's way out of a top cage at my mentors house and I took a turn and two steps back then calmly hooked it back up after it had been through it's fit. Some people never have that, some people are born with it, and some slowly learn it like I had to.
RE: couple of thoughts
by SCatheris on January 1, 2008
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well I can only imagine the feeling coming over you as you realize you just messed up which made me think "yeah I don't think calm is in the cards". BUte one day I just may know what it's like, who knows.
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