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Got a postcard from Florida Fish & Wildlife!
by Kingetula on February 12, 2009
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I guess they wanted me to know there is a meeting to discuss and receive comments on proposed changes to captive wildlife regulations...
I don't want to overreact but I can't help thinking...WTF are they doing now!
RE: Got a postcard from Florida Fish & Wildlif
by Cro on February 12, 2009
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Scott, I would read through all of those proposals very carefully.
Who knows what kind of changes they have included.
Hopefully, the other permit holders in Florida will do the same, and show up at the meetings.
Best Regards
John Z
RE: Got a postcard from Florida Fish & Wildlif
by Adamanteus70 on February 13, 2009
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I am attending the February 24th date in Gainesville. You need to go to myfwc.com and click on the calendar. there will be a link to take you to the new proposed regulations. Read all of them because they are all pertaining to each other in one way or another, new regs on caging, transportation, and facility info to be proposed.
See some of you there...that is if you like to keep your snakes...
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