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RE: Microraptor
by Cro on February 19, 2009
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Chinasaurs, coming soon to a Wallmart near you, LOL.
I agree with the idea about the sharp teeth being used for fish eating.
When I worked at a natural history museum, the exhibit designers had very little first-hand knowledge of the life history of living reptiles.
Some of them were great at sculpting small dinosaurs out of clay, with nothing more than a fossil skeleton to go by for reference. But, they would often want to embellish the critters with weird "Jurassic Park" neck frills, or dorsal sails, or spikes. Things that were not in the fossil record, but existed only in the mind of the exhibit designer.
Many times I would remind them that we were not creating fictional creatures for a Disney film, and that the models they created were not very reptile like at all, if they were compared to living examples.
Best Regards
John Z
RE: Microraptor
by FSB on February 20, 2009
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Agreed. I think there is more fanciful speculation passing for science in the world of dinosaurs than in almost any field short of cryptozoology. A lot of these guys would really benefit from keeping a few pet reptiles (so would Steven Speilberg, for that matter).
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