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Bitis nasicornis (eye swelling)
by psykoink on April 22, 2003
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I was curious if anyone has experienced swelling in the eyes and upper jaw area of baby Bitis nasicornis. I have purchased 4 babies, and all have developed this. Out of the 4, 1 took 3 weeks for it to turn up, the others right away. I have gotten 3 new ones in exchange for the ones that were bad previous to me noticing the other today. I keep all my reptiles immaculate, and I am far from a beginner with this species, however I have never come across this before. My Bitis gabonica never got this, nor any other of my reptiles. I dont want to just give up on them but I am unfamiliar with this problem. They are all well hydrated, non are in shed (no stuck eye caps), all are feeding now (frozen thawed/tease feeding), and all there stool looks good. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know. I keep them in relativly high humidity (around 65-80%), and temps that reach 85 during daylight hrs. and drop to mid 70's at night.
RE: Bitis nasicornis (eye swelling)
by eyelashvp9 on April 22, 2003
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This condition you described seems to be an eye infection. A spray mixture of trichlorfon or ivermectin with baytril injections probably will be needed to correct this condition. Services of a vet is probably the only way you will be able to treat this condition sucessfully. I recomend the purchase of the book What's Wrong With My Snake authored by John Rossi D.V.M this book is sold by the bean farm which can be found on kingsnake.com
RE: Bitis nasicornis (eye swelling)
Anonymous post on April 23, 2003
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Good advice but the problem is there are very few vets that will treat venomous snakes. Not that they aren't capable but prohibited by ordinances and insurance compamies.
RE: Bitis nasicornis (eye swelling)
by creep77 on April 28, 2003
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bad? what do yo think these are? these are living organisms. you bought em. you care for them. They are you responsibility.
RE: Bitis nasicornis (eye swelling)
by eyelashvp9 on May 2, 2003
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Yes many vets will not treat hots because they are afraid of getting tagged. I approached my vet by asking him if he would visually examine the viper. Providing the snake was inside of a clear container the answer was yes. Bring restraining tubes as well or any other tools needed. You need to demonstrate to your reptile vet that you can maintain the proper control of the snake at all times. My vet will treat all hots except for Mamba's and spitting cobra's
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