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cobra breeding
by daniel_exotics on April 25, 2003
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i have a adult pair of java island spitting cobras (naja.sputatrix) i need to cool them, when? how long? what temp? and when do i heat them up and put them together? im new to this and wish to do it right. thanks
RE: cobra breeding
by CFoley on April 27, 2003
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I can not find a damn thing on it Dan. I too, have a pair of Javan Island N. sputatrix.
Here would be my best guess:
cool at 72°-76° night, and 77°-86(basking spot)° day. during cooling use an 8/16 light period. The reason the temps arent that low, is because I have heard there isnt much cooling in their nativeity, just more of a wet season. So therefore you need to up the humidity in this time too. Do this for 2-3 months.
Then gradually warm back up, start on feed again with a 12/12 light cycle, and begin to introduce to each other. I have heard other some people start to introduce at the end of cooling which could also be done i guess.
An ok, but rather vague site to assist you would be
Have you had any trouble getting yours to feed? I purchased mine as chick eaters. They still havent eaten, and I have had them for a month or so. I have an ambient temp of 75-86° 50-60% humidity. Aspen substrate, moss hide box, and large water bowl. Do you notice anything wrong? Or have you noticed yours being picky occasionally as well?
As far as breeding goes, that is just my opinion, being as I have never bred anything above colubrids, just kept rather as a hobbyist and not breeder.
Hope I was able to help, and hope you can help me,
RE: cobra breeding
by daniel_exotics on April 27, 2003
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Its a hard one..lol..i have had mine for three years ther around 5 ft,
i use ground coco pulp beding its easy to maintain and keeps humidity
good i keep mine around 40% and have the hide bix with moss in it that i
mist weekly, i keep mine at ambiant of 81 day and 75 night with a zoo
med heat mat under one end, my java will actualy push his hid box (witch
is a large rubbermaid with a hole in the front 2" round) on top of the
heat pad and he stays in tell feeding time, he eats med rats about 2
every other week, i tried geting him to eat weekly but he would only eat
one rat, so i went back to every other, he wont eat mice at all, and he
likes to eat in his large hide box. his water bowl he wouldent use
un-tell i went and bought a rubermaid and cut a 3" hole in the lid and
filled it 3/4 the way full of water and put it close to the heat lamp he
uses it before a sheed and sits just with his nose at the hole. from what
i can tell by mine is thay are verry insucure, and enjoy feeling like
ther in holes as soon as i gave mine multiple retreats he eats like no
tomarrow. i have been rerading a CITIS map and it sugests a cooling
period starts in SEPT and lasts 2 months with a 20% up in humidity? its
still not much but thats all i got so far?if ther is more spacific stuff i
can help you with let me now
thanks cameron
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