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My RHUI letter published
by tigers9 on September 16, 2009
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My RHUI, riding horse under influence, letter published, regarding another crazy proposed animal ordinance in the good old West:
Sep. 16, 2009
Letters to the Editor
What if I need my allergy medicine?
I had to laugh regarding the proposed draft language of the new Nye County Animal Ordinance, section 6.12.020, "Cruelty: ... B. it is unlawful for any person to ride or drive horse while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug."
Is this another male chauvinistic governmental attempt to "save a horse, ride a cowboy"?
What if I am allergic to horses and want to take my allergy drug before riding the horse? So, it is not cruel to get the horse drunk with Jack Daniels, just the rider?
Does this apply to riding horses on all legally paved roads or anywhere, including my private property?
Is animal control even allowed to do breathalyzer tests? Whose jurisdiction will it really be in to ticket drunken horse riders? How exactly will this be enforced?
According to Nevada Revised Statutes, NRS 458 260 ... "(the use of alcohol, the status of drunkard and the fact of being found in an intoxicated condition are not (a) public offenses and shall not be so treated in any ordinance or resolution of a county, city or town.)"
Simply being intoxicated in public is not illegal, unless you are driving motorized vehicles over the legal alcohol limit. If Nevada made public intoxication illegal, the tourism would just die off.
But in case our county attorneys and commissioners decide to ignore NRS and pass this nonsense, I suggest that all the drunken Nye County cowboys trade in their horse and get donkeys instead, so they have a nice ass to ride home after a wild night at the bar.
Sep. 04, 2009
Proposed animal ordinance covers a broad variety of circumstances
Proposed revisions to the Nye County animal control code spell out regulations on kennels, animal cruelty, vicious dogs, walking dogs in the park and special-condition animals.
Section 6.12.020 on animal cruelty states it will be illegal to ride a horse while intoxicated. It's also against the law to trip horses. Animals may not be abandoned to die and it's unlawful to throw anything on a road intended to wound an animal.
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