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choosing my next Hot herp!
by dizz on June 23, 2003
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I am 26 yrs old and I have been working with snake for 15yrs mainly with pythons and boas.I have been wanting to get into venomous for a while now.I have handled and house sitted for friends who have had gabboon vipers,eyelash vipers and even king cobras.my question is if I had to choose between a gaboon viper and a eyelash viper ,for my first hot ,whatshould i get?
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
by Frawgg on June 23, 2003
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I would go with the eyelash viper. If you get bit, you will probably live to tell about it. Read as much as you can about each species, including venom toxicity, find out where you can obtain antivenin, prepare a snake bite protocol list for the species you plan to keep. Remember, most doctors don't know the proper protocols for exotic snake bite, so it would be in your best interest to prepare a snake bite protocol folder to take with you to the hospital in case you do get bit. Good luck and BE CAREFUL!
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
by elapid62 on June 24, 2003
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I would get a gabon, They are much easyer to handle and deal with. and your chances of dieing from a bite is low. I have delt with them a long time and love them.
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
by chewwy on June 24, 2003
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I certainly wouldn't take that advise, no disrespect, but a Gaboon would kill quickly. Long fangs with that mixture of Neuro and hemo going on.Not to mention the hunt for the antivenom unless you lived near Venom 1 in Miami Dade.
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
by elapid62 on June 24, 2003
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Hey Chewwy, No disrespect taken, but isn't eyelash viper antevenin just as hard to find. and there venom is just as bad as the gabons, if not worse. ??? I have owned some eyelash vipers, and found them a lot harder to handle and deal with. than gabbys (More chance of a bite) Russell
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
by Rabies on June 24, 2003
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What makes the difference between these two is the venom yields.From the Gaboon its an average of 450-600mg which is on parr with western and eastern diamondbacks.The record from a Gaboon is 2.4g of dried venom in one single milking.Now with yields like that,thats one snakebite you could'nt ignore.I don't know the average yield of an Eyelash viper,but just by looking at its head its no where near the gaboon.
Toxcitiy alone does not necessarily mean that its also dangerous.
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
Anonymous post on June 24, 2003
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They are both "hot" and you should care for both of them with strict safety rules. I think he was asking for info from people who keep or have kept the two spices he is talking about to help him decide, not for another hottest snake argument.
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
Anonymous post on June 27, 2003
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Is 450-600mg really an average, I thought it might be more. A maximum yield I read of was 2400mg for an adult Gaboon. Just a thought. Anyway, the lethal dose is ~100mg.
One other thing, some of the gaboons I've dealt with were a type of acrobat, what with the force with which they strike and the degree from which their generally prone position that they can strike in.
Just some thoughts.
RE: choosing my next Hot herp!
by HotBites on August 6, 2003
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There are several ways of looking at your choices here.
The Gaboon is much more toxic than the eyelash. Both "can" be deadly however the gaboon requires faster treatment.
Even though the gaboon is more deadly, it is also a fairly docile hot, and will not strike as much as the eyelash. Most eyelash vipers have a fairly bad temperment and will stike quite frequently.
The gaboon viper is one of the fastest striking snakes there are, and also has extreamly large penitrating fangs, up to 2 inchs long. Because of the difference in the two snakes sizes, the gaboon also has a farthest reach on its strike.
To me the gaboon has a much more beautiful color pattern to them, which is why I personally choose the gaboon over the eyelash, I will have both before I am done though.
Something else to think about though, If you are not good with handling snakes, and are picking one out based only on its strike and leathelness, perhaps you would be better off getting a nice boa. Every "statistic" in the herp field is one more step forward for our government to make owning these awesome creatures illegal.
Happy herping
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