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A request for Donations of used or new Herp books
by jared on July 7, 2003
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I recently began doing some more work for the Humboldt Research Institute in Steuben Maine. I am trying to build up there herp reference collection and was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a tax deductible donation to the institute. We are looking for books such as the Venomous snakes of latin america, Africa, snakes and the snake hunter, etc etc. They do not have to be Maine specific as the institute participates in many overseas ventures. You will be given full credit for your donation, new or used and any and all help is appreciated. The Humboldt field institute is the main contributor to both the Southeastern and Northeastern Naturalist, both of which are peer reviewed journals with over 30% of existing articles (for the southeastern) based on herps. Again, any help is appreciated, and please contact me via email for more details.
Jared Watts
RE: A request for Donations of used or new Herp bo
by snakum on July 9, 2003
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Apologies for thread hi-jack ...
Just wanted to say "Hi" and hope all's well in Maine. Are your students catching on OK?
I've been herping on foot at the lake (no c.h.a. luck so far) and I'm going to the ranch in Bladen Co. on Saturday for a preliminary look-see. The gentleman told me last week he's sure he has a den under his house because every time he looks thru the crawl-space he sees a large number of skins and usually a live one or two. His Terminex man refuses to go back. :o)
Have a safe trip ... when you get back we'll have some serious fun. The matriarch of the population in North Bladen is rumored to be a "fat seven-footer", which means she is probably a medium-weight five and a half-footer, but a nice specimen none-the-less.
"Clean" Phil
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