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Mojave Bitten
Anonymous post on July 9, 2003
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Hello All, I am posting as anoymous, because my lack of permit in Fl. I was bitten by a mojave while in Odessa Texas last month and for what ever reason was not given antivenom. I now have an index finger the size of my thumb, but with no pain. It almost looks like Gout in my finger and will not go down, even after a month. I need to treat, but will surely be asked about my permit when I step in for treatment. I guess this is one good example of why we should follow the law.
RE: Mojave Bitten
by cottonmouth on July 9, 2003
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Yes it is, and I agree that Florida makes it tuff to own Venomous, but at least they don't outlaw them. Is your finger functionable? Just go and see your family Dr, he will be discrete and refer you to an Orthopedic.I feel certain that by law, he can't bust you out.
RE: Mojave Bitten
by Buzztail1 on July 9, 2003
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You are foolishly playing with your life.
Florida does not care if you were really bitten while in Texas.
Go get medical attention!
If you were seen in Texas and did not receive antivenin, then you should at least have some paperwork with you from the hospital or Doctor's office. Take that with you to the hospital in Florida and I doubt there will be any questions about whether you have venomous at home or not.
Your life and your health should be more important to you than whether or not you get a ticket/fine/citation/whatever.
That said, once you get your health problems taken care of, get yourself legal. Either get your permit or get rid of your snakes. It isn't worth it to endanger your life because you are afraid of giving yourself away for breaking the law.
Karl H. Betz
RE: Mojave Bitten
Anonymous post on July 10, 2003
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Thanks for the advise guys. I don't know why my finger has stayed so fat after even a month, but i will go to my family Dr and see what has happened. They circled the area of the bite and watched it for about 10-12 hrs and since the swelling didn't go past my wrist, they let me go. My wrist went down but my finger has stayed stiff and fat. I just wanted to see your guys thoughts on weather someone would bring DRN into it if i sought medical help in Fl. Thanks again
RE: Mojave Bitten
by elapid62 on July 12, 2003
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I was biten In the middle knuckle of my index finger, by a southern copperhead over a year ago. my knockle is still two times the size it should be. If you do not feel good about your bite, You should be seen. If your bite happend in Tx. than you sould have nothing to worry about. Good luck. Russ
P.S. You will never have good use of that figer again.
RE: Mojave Bitten
by eyelashvp9 on July 15, 2003
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It seems strange that you were not given the Anti-venom Cro-Fab for the bite. Go to a doctor even a family doctor and get on a antibiotic. The swelling probably will take two weeks to go down.
RE: Mojave Bitten
Anonymous post on July 15, 2003
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Well, they would only give it to me if it spead up my arm because of the chance of an allergic reaction. I went to the Dr and he prescribed me Avelox. SP
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