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What should I Breed?
by RustyJohnson on September 18, 2003
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I have been a wildlife handler and researcher for over 15 years. I am currently building a living reptile museum. I would like to attempt breeding hot snakes. I dont want to breed common snakes.
What species do you feel needs to be focused on? I am looking to breed for purpose and preservation of a species.
RE: What should I Breed?
by BitisMeOnce on September 18, 2003
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I would concentrate on the Aruba Island Rattlesnake. It is endangered and would be great to have someone help preserve it. Look at other species that are in a bad situation. I personally would find a species that I enjoy and concentrate on that. That way it is fun for you as well as helpful for them. They are all going to be endangered soon anyway.
RE: What should I Breed?
by Buzztail1 on September 18, 2003
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Dean Ripa just opened the Cape Fear Serpentarium in North Carolina last year with basically the same goal in mind. You might want to contact him and see if he can provide you with any useful recommendations.
Karl H. Betz
RE: What should I Breed?
by vnmous4fun on September 19, 2003
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The twin spotted rattler is a rare breed. Pick up a pair and go to jail. Most rare or endangered species are federally protected and should be handled by the professionals who are doing it in a university/research controlled enviroment. I would suggest to check local laws and stick to it. The Bitis are fun and exotic and don't mind a cooler temp.
There are too many out there playing God with rare/endangered animals as it is. We don't need another one.
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