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by sawrydawg on September 19, 2003
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I have been arounds hots a long time. recently to keep them from being killed by some local idiots i brought two home and got them healthy again when the female stopped eating. Well 5 weeks ago she had 8 little ones. A new for me. My question is the male is eating fine. The babies havent ate since the membrane nad momma hasnt eaten since about 6 weeks before the babbies came along i am worried for her she seems to like where i have her but will not eat i removed the babbies and she still will not eat any help would be great
RE: copperheads
by Chris_Harper on September 21, 2003
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Hydrate momma in room temp water for about 3 or 4 hours. Move momma to warm dry cage with good hide spot and basking lamp on one end. Pre-kill a mouse and put it in with momma copperhead 24 hours after hydrating her. Hydrating is the key! Temps must also be right. 78-80F. Provide basking lamp. Do not allow temps to exceed 84F.
Copperhead babies - hydrate all copperhead babies in a large rubbermaid for several hours. Move them to warm dry cage. The next day, put a "nest" of day old live pinkies in one end of the cage. Watch it closely. In the evening, [at around 7pm (temp 80F)] your copperhead babies should start hunting. When they discover the nest, some of them will eat, some won't. It may take hours for some to eat. Separate the ones that eat from the ones that don't.
Those that don't eat can be pulled along by administering egg yolk and white mixed together through a dosing needle.(see www.Tongs.com) You can also mix in some repti-cal. Use about 1/2 cc per neonate.
Be careful force-feeding copperhead neonates. Use something (probe, hemostat, tweezers, butterknife etc.) to hold the bottom jaw shut so they can't bite you while you force feed. Until you get the hang of it, it's a 2 person job.
You may want to invest in a Pinky Pump to get them through the winter.
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