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RE: girlfriends and wives!
by Buzztail1 on September 25, 2004
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I think it's fair to say that The Boss's (my wife's) exploits have been well documented here. She has been putting up with me for well over 20 years and just really got into hunting with me in 2000. She was surprised to find out that she is good at it - really good!
In fact, quite a few of my friends have called up to ask if she would take them out hunting Eastern Diamondbacks which seem to be her specialty.
Nope, this treasure is mine ;-)
RE: girlfriends and wives!
by Joy on September 29, 2004
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OK, I have to share too!
I’m female.
And I’ve yet to find someone who shares my passion for Herps. Most men around here run in terror when you say you keep snakes. LOL And I am yet to keep a hot.
But snakes came in real handy when I was trying to get out of a marriage gone bad. My ex was TERRIFIED of snakes. I knew he didn’t care for them when we got married, but I didn’t have any as pets at that point. So it was not an issue.
5 lousy years later, I was given a corn snake. He was furious! I think I had 9 corn snakes with one loose in the house before he finally left. (To this day, I am not sure if I accidentally on purpose let that snake loose. The cage was locked but she was missing when I checked the next day. That was the last straw for him and he left me. Yippie!)
The sad part of this story is that in the chaos and confusion and moving around during and after the divorce, I had to find homes for most of those snakes. (Land lords do not like renting to reptile parks.) But kids LOVE corn snakes. So I was able to adopt them out to some great homes.
I am just now building up a collection again. 1 Jungle carpet python, and three black rat snakes are now sharing my snake room. We are living happily ever after.
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