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Breeding Agkistodon withouth hibernating them.
by cottonmouth on September 25, 2004
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Do you guys think this is possible to do or is it a must to hibernate them. It would seem very difficult for a large breeder to do such a thing by finding areas in his house or room that would maintain 55 fht.
I have a s nice hot room 15 x15 climate controlled, but it would be impossible to turn it down to 55 without killing everything else. What do you guys think. Have you breed without hibernation??????thanks JQ
RE: Breeding Agkistodon withouth hibernating them.
by AquaHerp on September 25, 2004
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Many breeders simply use a garage, basement or cool room for brumation. Many temperate snakes are fairly dependant on this for proper cycling.
RE: Breeding Agkistodon withouth hibernating them.
by jared on September 27, 2004
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I have had more success with hibernating them. those who have not been hibernated may or may not breed, but those who have been hibernated usually breed and produce regularly. Ranging from my pecos to northerns, the only aggies I dont drop are cantils. I would also limit the light exposure that they get while in hibernation. My animals are kept in a windowless addition at 50-55 degrees and do well. Hope it helps,
Jared Watts
RE: Breeding Agkistodon withouth hibernating them.
by AquaHerp on September 27, 2004
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My Cantil's are the ones that didn't hibernate and produced some strong neonates.
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