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Venom sac ingestion
Anonymous post on May 10, 2001
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In Thailand and other countries some bars sell shot drinks with sacs of alleged cobra venom in them -- apparently you down them in one gulp or some such.
It's reported that profuse sweating and nausea follow.
While there are obvious ethical objections to this practice, would ingested cobra venom actually have such an effect? Also, if one of the sacs broke in your mouth and got into a cut or canker, would you not be in big trouble?
PS - I would never, ever drink one of these, so don't bother warning against it -- I'm just curious.
RE: Venom sac ingestion
by BGF on June 7, 2001
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Nothing will happen as the stomach acids and enzymes will do to the venom what would be done to any other protein.... break it down. However, if you have fresh cuts or a bleeding ulcer then the venom can enter the bloodstream and envenomation occur.
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