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Welcome to the SHHS Venomous Forum !!!
by Charper on August 15, 2000
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Welcome to the SHHS Venomous Forum. Come on and let's get it going !!!!
aiight, lets start this off easy...
by jared on August 17, 2000
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the snakes i am currently keeping are
1.1 CBb 99 Trimerisurus albalaboris
1.0 CB 98 B.g.rhinocerusus
0.1 WC B.g.rhinocerusus
0.1 CB 98 N.a.annunifera
1.1 CB 99 A.pictigaster X conotrix (sp)
What does everyone else keep? i will be (hopefully) getting some new animals soon to add to the list.
jared w
Ps, nonvenomous consist of
0.1 Black tailed Prarie dog (?)
probably one of the coolest critters in the group
Good topic.
by Charper on August 17, 2000
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Well, right now I have:
2.1 Crotalus adamanteus
1.0 Crotalus horridus
1.1 Crotalus horridus atricaudatus ( even though they don't exist! )
1.0 Sistrurus miliarius barbouri
0.1 Agkistrodon c. contortrix
1 Agkistrodon c. mokasen
0.1 Agkistrodon piscivorous conanti
As you can see, I only keep enough to do classes with.
RE: Good topic.
by Matt on August 18, 2000
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Hi All,
I currently keep the following,
1.3 Blanding Tree Snake(Boiga blandigii)
1.0 False Water Cobra(Hydronastes ssp)
1.0 Southern Copperhead(A.c.contortrix)
0.1 Rock Rattlesnake (C.l.klauberi)
1.1 Mexican Cantils(A.b.bilineatus)
1.0 Spectacled Caiman(Caiman crocodilus)
Hi guys! Easy???
by Jaffo on August 19, 2000
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2.1 C.adamanteus
1.2 C.atrox
1.1 A.c.contortrix
0.1 (broad banded copper)
1.1 C.d.terrificus
2.0 C.molossus
2.0 C.v.viridis
1.0 C.m.pyrhuss (sp?)
1.0 C.m.stephansi
2.0 C.cerastes
1.0 N.atra ssp.
1.0 N.melanoleuca
1.1 B.gabonica
1.0 C.h.atricidautus
2.0 A.chloreachis
1.0 C.tigris
1.0 C.e.enyo
...and this is after I've cut back a bit. Hmmmm....
RE: aiight, lets start this off easy...
by RYANW on August 19, 2000
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Good stuff.
As far as vens go, I currently only have 1.2 CB Bitis.g.rhinocerous-Ive been keeping and breeding these guys for years. Gotta love the gabbies.
I also keep and breed sveral boids, tegus, and varanids.
Looking to branch out my vens with some Crotalus lepidus lepidus if anyone knows where I can get a CB pair please yell at me.
Ryan Wood
PS - Looking forward to the Oct. Columbia show. Hope to see some of you there.
Had to go count them first, but here it is...
by DM on August 20, 2000
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1.1 Trimeresurus trigonocephalus
1.2 T. albolabris
1.4 Atheris chlorechis
2.3 A. ceratophora
1.1 A. desaixi
3.8.5 A. squamigera
1.1 Oxybelis fulgidus
Derek Morgan
RE: Welcome to the SHHS Venomous Forum !!!
by BLACKSNAKE on September 13, 2000
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Hi all
I have:
1:1 Acanthophis antarcticus
1:1 A. "cummmingi" praelongus
1:0 Austrelaps ramsayi
0:1 A. superbus
1:1 Notechis ater occidentalis
0:1 N. scutatus
1:1 Oxyuranus scutellatus
1:0 Pseudechis australis
1:1:14 P. colletti
2:2 P. guttatus
1:1 P. porphyriacus
1:0 Pseudonaja textilis
1:0 Suta suta
0:1 Unechis flaggelum
1:0 Bitis gaboonica
1:0 Morelia spilota variegata X Morelia bredli
0:1 Morelia spilota mcdowelli
0:1 Liasis olivaceus
1:1 Egernia cunninghami
0:1 Crocodylus johnstoni
Thats It for the moment,
Scott Eipper
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