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Forum Substance, health care
by TIMFRIEDE on September 19, 2000
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Something to share, my experince with ven. health care. Many vets will not touch ven., in regards to health care, which means you must take care of you're animal all on you're own. If you can take cobra into a vet for gram negative Pseudomonas, more power to you, but in my case I can't, so I became my vet(not by choice). My point, a common problem is necrotizing stomatitis, or mouth rot. This is commomly seen and is caused by Pseudomonas, of which there are two types, canker 1 and 2. 80-90% are canker 1, which I just treated tonight with a captive kaouthia. Polysporin works great and takes about 4 days to clear. Neosporin also works, but not as good as Poly., because Poly contains polymyxin b, great against gram neg. bacteria. Take a Q-Tip, and apply it in the affected area once a day for about 4-6 days, almost always works. If not, a aminoglycoside drug will be necessary(amikacin) injected into the area, but thats a whole nother story. My kaouthia is now happy and so am I, when you get ven. you MUST take care of it, if you can't, don't get it. If you're afraid to medicate the animal, find someone that will. Chris, great forum, I just might continue posting again. Lets keep it strong and full of substance. PS-my money is on it's way, sorry bro, rough month. Tim
RE: Forum Substance, health care
by Charper on September 20, 2000
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I think the nickname requirement keeps out the riff raff. Honest folks don't mind it.
In the Fall newsletter I am trying to get an article on venomous reptile veterinary care. Do you think we should have a veterinary forum ?
RE: Yes!!!
by TIMFRIEDE on September 20, 2000
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YES, a good herp health forum is in order, it's very necessary. All the way from flagyl, to aminoglycoside drugs, with doses. Hey Jaff, hope you're animals are doing well. Did you ever find a place for them?? Chris, can you also throw in a toxin forum with the vet. forum, this would be the cat's as@(actually, the snakes as@). Tim
RE: Yes!!!
by RYANW on September 22, 2000
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I know where youre coming from Tim. I am a Registered Vet. Tech. and work with (among many) an exotic vet who refuses to touch them, unless Im on that day to do the dirty work. Absolutely hilarious to watch. Hes a very rational guy and a big herper, but to watch him squirm when he has to treat a hot, even though Ive got the hot tubed....its priceless.
Im happy to help out if you have any questions about any dosages or anything Tim. Its tuff to find Vets willing to work with hots (especially with the insurance risks posed to practice owners).
That goes for anyone. If I can help field any medical ?s Im more than happy to do so.
Ryan Wood
RE: Yes!!!
by jherps on September 25, 2000
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Well I have some female sidewinders that justs had babies,and the will not eat or drink after having the babies.The females that were gravid did eat and drink previous to giving birth.My question is,is there a medication that will stimulate them to at least drink,or do any of you guy know any tricks that would work.If you guys can help it would be great
Soaking snakes to encourage them to drink.
by Charper on September 26, 2000
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Have you tried soaking them overnight in a container with about 2 inches of clean water ? I like to use the big, lockable rubbermaid boxes for this.
Periodically, I soak all of my snakes like this. It encourages them to drink and defecate. If they do defecate, I put them in another container with clean water to rinse them off before I put them back in their cages.
RE: Soaking snakes to encourage them to drink.
by jherps on September 28, 2000
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Well i have left them in water for several hours but not over night ,maybe ill try that,if you guys have any other advise let me know because i lost another female the other day.
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