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four out of four groundhogs agree..
by SwampY on February 2, 2007
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All four groundhogs around the country agree... an early herpin season this year. :-)
We all know Gen. Beauregard Lee is the most accurate though. 94% accuracy so far!
Time to wash the pillow cases and get your hookers into the truck and ....
well you know :-)
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by LarryDFishel on February 2, 2007
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You know you're just going to have to wash the pillowcases again after the hookers leave...
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by earthguy on February 2, 2007
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WOOHOO!! (I'm excited about the early herping season, not the 'ladies of the night')
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by Cro on February 2, 2007
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I hope the rodents are right! (are groundhogs rodents?)
However, I am predicting Snow and Ice in late February, and more Cold, Snow, and Ice in March, and possibly into April!
Speaking of rodents, has anyone here in the States ever seen African Pygmy Mice for sale? I know folks in the UK raise them, but so far, I can not find any for sale in the US.
Best Regards JohnZ
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by vanerka on February 2, 2007
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Well, if groundhogs are rhodents thats a good sign that there will be snakes out after these rhodents...
thanks Eric :)
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by ALA_snake33 on February 2, 2007
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Lord I am glad that Spring is coming, getting tired of Hibernating “LOL”. Its funny how Herpers seem to Hibernate right along side their Snakes Huu?
Be safe ya’ll, Happy Herping : Wally
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by herpboy on February 2, 2007
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Hip Hip Horray!! Spring time herping just around the corner! It wont be long now...
Bryan Hudson
RE: four out of four groundhogs agree..
by SimplySnakes on February 4, 2007
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I did not know winter had arrived? LOL, is it leaving already? No complaints out of my mouth, I herped in South carolina last weekend and caught a copperhead and a 5' yellow ratsnake laying out. Apparently they are better than the groundhog. By the way, groundhogs are rodents, so does that make them Retic food? LOL
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