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sick B.c.constrictor
by pw on February 4, 2007
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i have a 4.5 foot B.c.constrictor that has gotten very sick i have had her for over 7 years i understand her growth is severly stunted;long story. her symptoms include but are not limited to extreme lethargy,limpness,rapid weight loss (at least .5-1 pounds within the last two to three days),extreme dehydration,reddish yellowish spots and blotches on belly slowly advancing on to left side, sudden loss of appetite. i have tried to increase her heat,i have been soaking her every couple two to three hours ( thats how fast she dehydrates), next step is oral administration of none flavored pedialyte every four to six hours. if she has not eaten within another 3-4 days then i will try and determine if force feeding or supplementation will be required. if any body has any ideas or may possibly know what is going wrong please write back or e-mail me at sharlene-16@mindspring.com.
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by milksnakegreg on February 5, 2007
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is there a liscenced vet nearby who treats exotics if so the i would go to her. do you know if pediasure is safe on snakes also i would not try to force feed the snake as it causes stress to the animal. another thing it could be is stress i adopted a female boa from florida and had it shipped and she was to stressed try moving her cage to a place by herself and limit your contact with her but most of all get her to a liscenced vet that could be her only hope
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by Rob_Carmichael on February 5, 2007
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This is an animal that must get to a VET right away. No one should be giving advice unless they are a licensed vet (in this situation). If you don't have a vet, call the state Veterinary Board and have one recommended to you.
Rob Carmichael, Curator
The Wildlife Discovery Center
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by petra on February 5, 2007
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I agree with the advices given. The vet is your only hope. Please DO NOT force-feed your snake. At this stage it may not be capable to digest the food and you will most likely kill your snake!
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by sarecho7280 on February 5, 2007
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licensed vets kill snakes every day. what you need is a licensed vet with actual experience with snakes, and a lot of times, that experience is limited to putting a snake with RI in a cage with elevated temps until it clears up.
a lot fix everything with antibiotics, which also dehydrate a snake and a LOT of snakes are killed via this method of "trial and error"
good luck with finding a vet, but i tried recently and came up empty after calling 52 licensed vets. i'd keep trying to do something on my own to hopefully buy time until you do find someone
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by pw on February 5, 2007
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she did not have have mites or any other external paraites up until about three months ago and i had rid the problem and she had no signs of problems afterwards ,then about 2 weeks ago they came back. But any how she is looking a lot better than what she was and i have gotten her to take a meal only observation will tell if things have turned for the better. i am thinking that she may have gotten poisened from me not letting her cage air out enough when i cleaned it.
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by pw on February 5, 2007
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sarecho 7280 thanks for the support with this. there are not alot of herp specialized vets in the saint louis area and the few that i know of, they are are not very good (i deal with them almost every day at work) we do not agree on alot of things (gold tree frogs and cuban tree frogs for instance) but anyways she is alot better looking than she was; read the upper post and it will explain my prognosis. if there is any thing i can ever help you with in the elapid area e-mail me @ sharlene-16@mindspring.com or just ask on the venomous reptiles post board. thanks,
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by Rob_Carmichael on February 6, 2007
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St. Louis does have herp vets but I have a feeling you don't want to spend the money to help the animal...that's too bad. Even vets w/no experience will consult with vets who specialize with reptiles and can then provide the proper medication that the snake must have. How did you come to the conclusion that St. Louis doesn't have any herp vets? I can almost guarantee you that there are some good vets in the area if you do some research (how about consulting with the St. Louis Herpetological Society!).
Rob Carmichael
RE: sick B.c.constrictor
by Cro on February 6, 2007
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Thomas, what you found out about mites is that they do often come back in a few weeks, because even if you have killed the adult mites, there are still mite eggs that are not killed by the treatments.
These will hatch out and re-infect the snakes.
It often takes several treatments to break the life cycle of the mites, and requires thorough cleaning of the cages and disgarding all of the cage substrates.
As you have found, anything strong enough to kill mites can also be toxic to a snake. You have to use these products very carefully.
Hopefully, your boa will recover and get back to health.
Best Regards JohnZ
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