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REXANO urges Microsoft to reconsider their financi
by tigers9 on May 23, 2007
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REXANO urges Microsoft to reconsider their financial support to an Animal Rights group.
This post was written by REXANO on 23 May, 2007 (20:44) | All News
REXANO Editorial
Las Vegas, NV (May 23, 2007)–Responsible Exotic Animal Ownership (www.REXANO.org) urges Microsoft Corporation to reconsider their financial support for the animal-rights (AR) group, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
Microsoft Windows Live Messenger “i’m” announced a new initiative: “Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program’s advertising revenue with some of the world’s most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. We’ve set no cap on the amount we’ll donate to each organization.“ (http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/About/)
“REXANO loves Microsoft products and our website is built using MS FrontPage and other MS software” says Scott Shoemaker, REXANO co-founder.
One of the beneficiaries of “i’m” is HSUS, an AR group that many confuse with local ‘Humane society’ shelters, however, Human Society of United States is not affiliated with any of them. They are a powerful well funded AR group, who instead of helping shelters and animals directly, works hard on eventually removing pets from our homes, meat from our tables, leather goods from our closets and animals from zoos and circuses.
“We hope the decision to include HSUS in the Live Messenger was just an honest mistake on the part of Microsoft”, says Zuzana Kukol, a Las Vegas big cat trainer and REXANO’s co-founder. ”When I first read about their ties to HSUS, my reaction was the same I used to get when seeing Windows 98 ‘blue screen of death’, hoping the blunder will get fixed soon.”
According to the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF, http://www.consumerfreedom.com) May 8, 2007 press release, message to Congress delivered by CCF Director of Research David Martosko stated:
“No matter how much farmers take animals’ welfare into account, animal-rights leaders won’t be satisfied until all animal protein disappears from the human diet. “HSUS and PETA share the same long-term goals…No meat. No dairy. No animal agriculture. Period. HSUS is basically PETA with a nicer wristwatch.” …”Congress,” Martosko continued, “could require U.S. farmers to supply every pig, chicken, duck, and cow with private rooms, daily rubdowns, video iPods, and organic meals catered by Wolfgang Puck. But even this wouldn’t satisfy activists who actually believe farm animals have the ‘right’ not to be eaten.”
”We find it disappointing that MS would partner with an AR group instead of finding a more deserving and needy animal welfare organization that actually helps animals.” adds Shoemaker.
According to HSUS’s 2005 income statement, their Total Revenue was $124,891,122, Net Assets $200,058,734 and President, CEO ‘s Wayne Pacelle salary $203,231.
Mr. Pacelle, who according to various news reports is a vegan who doesn’t even own a pet, was quoted on many occasions about his vision for the AR movement, and his personal objective of creating “a National Rifle Association of the animal rights movement.”
One of HSUS main objectives is to end captive keeping of wild and exotic animals.
“Most of the wild habitat is disappearing and the only chance to save many animals such as tigers from extinction is captive breeding with the private sector having the majority of available habitat” says Shoemaker.
“If the animal rights activists truly care about animals, then why are they trying to regulate and ban them to extinction?” asks Kukol. ”What crime did the animals commit to be sentenced to death?”
REXANO is free web resource designed to give much needed tools and statistics based research material to private owners of exotic and wild animals to fight unfair legislation in the USA. Current focus of www.REXANO.org is to reverse the trend in over regulation, with the desire that in the near future to work on repealing excessive regulations and bans on private ownership of exotics.
RE: REXANO urges Microsoft to reconsider their fin
by tigers9 on May 25, 2007
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I created ACTION ALERT on Rexano:
Send your emails to im_initiative@live.com explaining to Microsoft why you want to remove HSUS from their beneficiary program.
You can also access it from REX home page
RE: REXANO urges Microsoft to reconsider their fin
by Scott7590 on May 27, 2007
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Mr. Pacelle is apparently unaware of the fact that vegan diets do not provide adequate nutrition and may lead to malnutrition and, later, death.
Many vegetarian diets include milk, eggs, cheese and other food items that are derived from animals but are not taken directly from them.
If PETA and USHS want to promote vegan diets, that's their right. But why are they so duplicitous about their goals?
What are these groups trying to do, other than raise money? Their agenda is clear: They know that promoting a vegan diet will not attract members and contributors, so they promote the "ethical" treatment of animals (a/k/a the "non-treatment" of animals). They try to pull at our heart strings to
get at our wallets; then they promote their vegan diet to those who give them money.
What these people seem not to recognize is that we already have a problem with feral cats and dogs. So if we accept their philosophy, what do we do with OUR cats and dogs? I guess we have to let them go and stop torturing them in our homes. They need to be "free" so they can starve to death.
What does Mr. Pacelle do to earn such a large salary? If Bill Gates' salary was roughly equal to Microsoft's sales, his shareholders would kill him!
RE: REXANO urges Microsoft to reconsider their fin
by tigers9 on May 27, 2007
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As for Pacelle's salary, wait few years it will be more, and don't forget the travel perks and other stuff (cell phone, car, gas, I wonder if he has his own or HSUS financed...)
That is problem, these people are AR activists by profession, it is their job they get paid to do, like lobbysist, while the rest of us are busy fighting this BS on a volunteer bases if we have any time left after cleaning and feeding our animals...many of AR leaders don't have animals and after their PAID AR jobs, they actually have time to relax (end of my rant)
Just a reminder, here is info how to complain to MS:
Send your emails to im_initiative@live.com explaining to Microsoft why you , an animal lover and MS customer, disagree with HSUS being part of their beneficiary program.
More on AR:
Animal Rights activists groups-what is behind their self proclaimed 'wildlife specialists' facade?
By Zuzana Kukol
Paul G. Irwin, former HSUS President, salary was $612,226 (Using information reported on an organization's most recent Form 990, we include as compensation an individual's salary, cash bonuses, and expense accounts and other allowances. It doesn’t include contributions to benefit plans or compensation deferred to a future date.) <snip>
From HSUS website below, they do NOT have their own shelter, they have some donkey sanctuary in Middle east, etc..
By long-standing tradition, local humane societies remain independent entities, each with its own policies, governance, and priorities.
How Is The HSUS Affiliated With My Local Humane Society?
RE: REXANO urges Microsoft to reconsider their fin
by petra on May 27, 2007
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Hey Scott! This is a first time this year I see you post on this site :)
Anyways HSUS's agenda will never get as far as removing cats, dogs or farm animals from captivity and set them "free". I actually wish they would start concentrating on this more instead on the exotics. It would be the very end of them.
There is way too many people that keep cats and dogs. And I can just imagine what the farmers would do, if someone tried to take their cattle away from them :D
The only reason they are as strong and as financed is that nobody knows what their agenda is. If you mention HSUS or PETA to a regular person - they think that they are there for the abandoned animals to offer them care and home. PETA and HSUS are not exactly public with their goals.
They can promote vegan diet all they want - I cannot even imagine the impact on the economy if nobody would sell or buy any animal products. I'd think they'd sooner make hamburgers from all of PETA and HSUS members than agree to get rid of their beef!
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