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If you are near Macon, Georgia
by SwampY on June 3, 2007
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If you are near Macon Georgia, I will be setting up a venomous display at the Museum of Arts and Sciences for their herp day next Saturday, June 9th.
It's not the big shindig that sandy creek is but they usually draw a few hundred people. If you're near there please do stop by and say hey.
RE: If you are near Macon, Georgia
by Buzztail1 on June 3, 2007
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Hey Chad,
How about posting a time for this event?
I might be able to make it to Macon to say Hi.
A street address for the museum would be helpful, too.
RE: If you are near Macon, Georgia
by Buzztail1 on June 4, 2007
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Wouldn't you know, I have to work.
Oh well, maybe I can catch it next time.
Have a good time.
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