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Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by copperhead8814 on February 5, 2002
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Very informative article. I do not currently keep any venomous snakes, but I still found this article helpful. I wish that everyone could read it. I have a medical condition which causes me severe chronic pain. Although I have been taking opioid narcotics for pain relief for years, I recently had a moderately severe allergic reaction to codeine. This article has helped me to better understand what happened to me. I now keep Benadryl on hand at all times. Allergic reactions are very scary, and it helps in scary situatiions if you understand what is happening. Thanks fellows and keep up the good work.
Anaphylaxis can be controlled
by Bud on February 5, 2002
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When I started my venom inocculation program I was severly alergic to naja haje and common coral snake venom after a couple of bites and one a-shock episode,
But this did not stop me from using these venoms,
now several years later No more episodes no more benadryl.
I may be wrong but it seems that now that venom flows through my veins 24/7 I have very little reaction to anything and this my have a cost.
But I am not complaining its ok.
Still I keep Epi on hand just in case.
have fun
Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by EricD on February 6, 2002
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Great and informative article! I always keep lots of benedryl on hand but I doubt that even at 10 times the dose it would be as efective as epinephrine nor as quick being oral and the latter being injectable. My question would be is there any way to find out in advance if you are alergic to the venom of a particular sp. in advance. I suppose it is near impossible for someone as myself to know with out a first hand experience if I were alergic to the antivenon or it's components.....Eric
RE: Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by Charper on February 7, 2002
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Yes, there would be a way to find out if you are allergic to a particular venom, but it would be very complicated to pull off. You would have to have an intradermal skin test with that particular venom diluted down many thousands of times. If you were allergic, the area around the injection site would turn red and swell - like a mosquito bite. HOWEVER, there are 2 problems with this. #1. You would have to find a lab that would actually make the solution to perform the skin test with. And #2. If you had never developed antibodies for that snake's venom, (had a first exposure), you would after the skin test. So, considering all of this, it would be best to just keep an epi-pen available, and call an ambulance if you are bitten. EMS carries everything to treat anaphylaxis.
Chris Harper
Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by RATTLERJIM on April 5, 2002
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I had an allergic reaction to a bite (A. c. phaeogaster). It was like bad hayfever and was controled in the ER by IV benadryl. The Dr. said that I was a good candidate for anaphylaxis in the even of a future bite. One year later I was bitten by a A. c. contortrix and had no reaction. Was the first reaction an isolated occurance?
RE: Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by Charper on April 9, 2002
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No one really knows when where and why an allergic reaction will occur. Just because you didn't react on the second one, doesn't mean you won't on the third. Be prepared - in case there is a 3rd.
Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by sceniccityreptiles on November 14, 2002
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As a part of my personal protocol I have designated pre medication for anaphylaxis. The plan calls for an immediate Epi-Pen, and a second injection 10 minutes later. Following the first injection, taking orally four 200mg Tagmet tablets, four Pepcid AC tablets, two Benadryl capsules, and two Chlor-Trimeton tablets. I would like your opinions on this drug cocktail. Would any of these meds be detrimental to any drugs that would be administered later at the ER? Could any of these meds effect the body in such a way that it would increase the effects of the venom itself? Thanks you for your time and opinions.
Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by snakecrazy1 on December 28, 2003
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I NEED A LITTLE HELP!!! 3 weeks ago I was hit for the first time by my Prairie rattler on the left ring finger, between the 1st and 2nd knuckle. I spent 2 days in the cardiac intensive care unit at a local hospital. It was a pretty bad deal. It's all over now, and my hand (& arm) is back to normal except for the actual point of injection. I still have swelling between the two knuckles, but it's not a normal spongy swelling... it's hard. There's not a LOT of pain involved, and I can't completely straighten my finger, nor can I clench it into a tight fist. I AM a little concerned. Does anyone know what could be happening? Please let me know ANYTHING that might help explain what's going on. Please e-mail me at snakecrazy@insightbb.com with any info. Thanks, Mike.
RE: Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by Bowerbird on January 19, 2006
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I hate to burst your bubble but as an ICU nurse who has not only cared for envenomated patients but also more than a few with anaphylaxis - you have NO idea how fast a true anaphylactic reaction can occur nor how debilitating it is.
RE: Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper
by Bowerbird on January 19, 2006
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I have to add too that it is folly and more than folly to routinely administer "epi" if you have been bitten by an Australian elapid. We used to do that until we had documented cases of disasterous (read dead) intracerebral bleeds (bleed into the brain. Australian snakes have very very potent haemolytic (makes you bleed) components within the venom. "Epi" or as we know it Adrenalin causes severe hypertension.
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