RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by bush_viper17 on September 3, 2005
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I have also worked with a few other Puffs in the past. Im no begginer. My profile photo should do all of the talking. Thank you.
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by CAISSACA on September 3, 2005
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I would strongly advise against tailing even very long puff adders! They have a lot of muscle power, and can snap back up a very long way.
The other thing to watch out for if you ever end up pinning/necking the snake is their very long fangs, which they often drive straight through their lower jaws - watch where you put your fingers. Plus of course the fact that their thick, heavy body, muscle power, thin neck and soft head can make holding on to a struggling puffie without getting tagged rather challenging. These are seriously difficult snakes to handle.
I shudder when I think that for many of our African colleagues, these are the most common venomous snakes they encounter, and probably the first venomous snakes many of them get to work with... give me a copperhead or a Vipera any day... or even a cobra, for that matter.
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by GREGLONGHURST on September 3, 2005
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I agree with Wolfgang. I would not recommend tailing an arietans of any length. Half of my snakebites were from this species..relax..I've only had two bites. I was force-feeding one of about 2' & failed to take into account two facts. One being that the puff's fangs are longer than those of North American pit vipers, & the middle finger is longer than the others. Those two kind of came together.
I believe they are responsible for more human snakebite fatalities in Africa than any other snake. They are certainly worthy of care in handling.
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by bush_viper17 on September 3, 2005
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Oh yeah, and just because they arent puffing(which they usually will be when you go anywhere near them no matter how long you keep them) doesnt mean that they wont strike. I know you already knew that but its just a reminder.
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by Snake18 on September 3, 2005
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Thanks again guys. I never necked my Crotalus atrox and hope I`ll never have to do this with my future puff adder. I`ll also take care and not tail it.
John, those pilstrom tongs would realy come in handy with me. Are they still functional ? If so, could you please find out exactly how much the shipping would cost me ? I`ll realy apreciate the effort. I`ll let you know when I`ll have the money for the shipping.
Best regards, Alex S.
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by tj on September 3, 2005
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Greg, as long as I've been coming here and the other forums, this is the first I've heard about your puff bite. How bad was it and what were the symptoms like?
Glad that you made through it, hopefully with no permanent damage.
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by vic_rattlehead on September 3, 2005
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There is no way I would tail any Bitis. The speed and dead accuracy that I have seen from my Rhino has definitely taught me this. I can't count the number of times that I have had a thawed rat in the end of my tongs, easing it into the cage when all of a sudden, there is a Rhino viper attached to it. A Rhino viper that only half a second ago was lying towards the back of the cage facing the OPPOSITE direction! I'll stick to tailing my cobra any day!
RE: Handeling tips for Puff Adders
by Rabies on September 4, 2005
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Bush Viper17 wrote "Im no begginer. My profile photo should do all of the talking." Take a look at my profile picture, my son was 7 at the time. I can't see much difference so I gather he's on parr with you!
RE: Handling tips for Puff Adders
by GREGLONGHURST on September 4, 2005
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That bite occured at work at Lion Country in 1971. Since it was really little more than a pin-prick & not much venom was injected, I was back at work the next day. Two vials of SAIMR were used, both i.m.
Even though i.v is recommended, I could honestly feel the first shot of antivenin reduce the symptoms.
Being bitten is no fun, but I have been lucky. Neither bite caused any permanent damage. Well, there's a small dent in the end of my finger from necrosis caused by the Puff, but you'd have to look very closely to see it.
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