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RE: crotalid anti-venom
by Cro on September 24, 2005
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Good Answer Mike. Realizing that you were perhaps a somewhat unsafe keeper in the past, and wanting to learn before you start venomous keeping again, sounds like a good start. I would encourage you to search the experts archive here for past posts concerning anti-venom, snake bite protocals, canebrake verses timber venom differences. There is a huge ammount of information available if you do a little digging for it. Also, please continue to post your questions before you get started back, as there are many here who are willing to help. Learn as much as you can. One of the best things you might do is try to find a experienced venomous keeper who lives near you who can give you a hand getting started again in a safe way. Good Luck. JohnZ
RE: crotalid anti-venom
by Phobos on September 24, 2005
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There is no substitue for reading some books on the subject or at least plugging in "Timber Rattlesnake" into a search engine. If by some chance you don't come up with an answer, then post it here.
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