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by Hypnotic on June 26, 2007
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I'm doing some research for a novel I'm writing could you tell me if cobra's were kept as pets preferrably in uk in the mid eighties and how would they have been kept or could have been kept. also when the fangs are removed is the cobra still capable of killing. I am well aware of the anti pet situation and want to give hard facts in the novel regarding the dangerous nature of exotic pets. Thank you for you time
RE: cobra
by Cro on June 26, 2007
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John, it is almost positive that folks in the UK were keeping venomous snakes including Cobras in the 1980`s.
Most were probably kept by research institutions, but I am sure some individuals were permited at that time also.
As far as a Cobras fangs, if they are pulled, the snake will grow them back in a very short while. Even if the fangs are pulled, thus preventing the injection of venom into deeper tissues, the Cobra would still be able to produce venom that could be inside of its mouth, and the smaller teeth of the snake could make wounds that would allow some of the venom to get into circulation. Wether enough venom could be introduced this way to be fatal is difficult to judge, but there is a possibility that it could happen.
Hope this helps. Best Regards JohnZ
RE: cobra
by CAISSACA on June 29, 2007
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>> I'm doing some research for a novel I'm writing could you tell me if cobra's were kept as pets preferrably in uk in the mid eighties and how would they have been kept or could have been kept. also when the fangs are removed is the cobra still capable of killing. I am well aware of the anti pet situation and want to give hard facts in the novel regarding the dangerous nature of exotic pets. Thank you for you time
Cobras were definitely kept as pets in the UK in the 1980s (and still are). If legal, they would have been/are being kept under the provisions of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act which governs the keeping of dangerous animals in the UK - if you do a google search, you will be able to find the act itself as well as plenty of discussion surrounding it.
If you rip a cobra's fangs out, they will grow back, as has been stated - snakes replace their teeth and fangs all the time, to pulling fangs out is a very temporary "solution" to the problem. Some unscrupulous keepers have "venomoid" surgery performed on their snakes, which consists of removing the entire venom gland - this permanently disables the venomous function of the snakes, but is widely disappreoved of by serious venomous keepers.
Hope this helps.
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