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Florida Permit Confusion
by LarryDFishel on June 26, 2007
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There has been some confusion in at least one area of Florida over the last few days. At least one local inspector has printed out a page from FWC's web site and delivered copies to permit holders in his area. The page contained the following language:
"Venomous reptiles require a permit for personal possession.Cost of the permit is $100 per year. Owners of venomous reptiles must be atleast 18 years of age,demonstrate no less than 1 year experience[no less than 1000 hours] in the husbandry of the species they plan to own or similar species within the same biological order and post a $1000 bond (effective July 1 2007)"
The last part of course is completely wrong. A bond is only required for exhibition, not personal pessession, and starting July, 1 that bond will probably be $10,000.
I've notified FWC of the error and they've corrected it.
If you are a permit holder in Florida and your local office sends you something like this, don't panic, ask them to call Tallahassee for clarification.
If you know any other permit holders who might be about to give up all their snakes because they don't want to get the bond, please let them know it was a mistake.
Here is the corrected page:
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