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Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by Cro on July 6, 2007
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Cathy Elrod of the Repticon Team apparently placed a post here earlier today, that seems to have been taken down by one of the site administrators for some reason?
Anyway, here is what Cathy posted earlier:
"We are looking to expand our protocol to include arachnids. I have looked around for a good list of them by venom and aggression but could not find what I was looking for. The Spider Shoppe use to have a very good list but looks like he is redoing his web site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sounds like a legitimate question to me, since many of the Reptile Dealers also sell Aracnids at shows, and many of the members here keep both, and have expertese in both.
So, can anyone help supply Cathy a list of Arachnids that describes their aggression and how dangerous the various venoms are ? Can anyone supply a list of Protocols that should be used in case of an envenomation?
Best Regards JohnZ
This may help...
by RepFan on July 6, 2007
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This site lists the symptoms and treatments of envenomations by arachnids as well as other invertebrates.
~ Todd
RE: Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by Buzztail1 on July 6, 2007
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there are currently only two people administering this site - I am one of them.
If you have a problem with the way it is done, please feel free to email me. Public criticism and sarcasm are not likely to win over any disagreements here.
I have been to the site several times today and never saw her post.
Chris almost NEVER deletes anything from here and when he actually does become involved - you can bet it is with good reason.
Seems to me that there might have been a posting malfunction connecting to the server as has happened several times in the past.
If it had been deemed to be innappropriate, reposting it would not have made it any less so.
Please deal with this sort of innuendo via email and not through the forum.
Karl H. Betz
RE: Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by LarryDFishel on July 6, 2007
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Might I also point out that after 5 years or so on this board I still regularly hit "preview" and then forget to hit "post" on the next screen, because I think it has already been posted. (Of all the boards I'm on this is the only one that does not have a "post" button on the screen where you type your post.)
RE: Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by Chris_Harper on July 6, 2007
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For the record, I did not delete the post. Several people do have basic admin priveleges. Karl and myself have the maximum site admin priveleges.
RE: Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by southerncat on July 7, 2007
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Would like to clear the Air. I was not and I believe John was not accusing anyone of deleting my post. I was just wondering where it went (yes I know it was ther, I check these things when I post). I thought that it might have been a server issue or something like that. Sorry for all the confusion!
Back to the subject:
Our protocol at the shows here in SC is put in place to ensure the safety of guests, vendors and staff. It was brought to my attention after the last Columbia show that we need to add arachnids to this list as well. I was also notified( phone call) That a large Bird Eater was knocked off a vendors table at the Jacksonville show. The top did stay in place but what would have happened had it came off? Even if the Spider had not bitten anyone, there would have been ALOT of confusion!
Here is what I have come up with, see what ya'll think:
To be secure with tape: All arachnids except Emprior Scorpions ( Must be in a deep container), Tailless Scorpions, RoseHair and PinkToe T's.
Please keep in mind that just because you or I may get bite by a spider and it does nothing or little to nothing does not mean that if a child gets bite that it would not cause some real damage.
RE: Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by LarryDFishel on July 7, 2007
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Maybe require tape unless the containers are kept inside a display case? For someone with a few hundred small arachnids in tiny containers, taping them all and untaping them later could be a major project.
RE: Repticon Needs Help With Arachnids
by southerncat on July 8, 2007
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IWe had not thought about a display case...Added Only if not in a display case to the New Protocol.
Thanks Larry and everyone!
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