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What to do about illegal selling of hots?
by viandy on July 6, 2007
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I live in Virginia, which doesn't have a statewide law concering hots, they are governed by locality. A store in a nearby county consistently advertises and sells animals that aren't allowed, either by state law (crocodilians and natives) or by that county (possession of venomous isn't allowed). At present they're advertising pygmy rattlers and sidewinders on Kingsnake.com. I've talked to the owner a couple of times, he's very dismissive, saying he "has permits", etc. I've talked to the state's Division of Game and Inland Fisheries, they told me that whenever they went by the store was closed -- no I don't really understand that either. I've talked to the county's animal control department, I don't know if they've done anything. I feel that this store owner's actions can jepardize the rights of others like myself who keep reptiles, both hot and non. Can anyone suggest something else I might do?
RE: What to do about illegal selling of hots?
by richardduckworth on July 6, 2007
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fish and game guys have buddies......if they like you, then they'll let you do whatever and even grant you special permission, but if they wanna crucify you, there is nothing you can do because ALL other law enforcement is usually at THEIR disposal when they have a case to worry about......in those situations, they are TOP dog....this may just be a case of him "being a good ole boy" and them not caring......if they wanna get him, they would have already done it.......
for starters, you won't make any friends and you'll be labeled and untrustworthy snitch for outing the guy, as stupid and unfair as that is.......you also may be screwing yourself over.....if it becomes a public issue, then people will listen to the media BS that "their lives are in danger and the antivenin doesn't exist" or whatever they'll spin, and then that's when people will lose the right to keep them.....
i see no good coming of it and MAYBE the guy actually has permits or a tentative agreement with someone who matters......i know that a few people in this state THINK they are actually legally keeping exotic hots, but according to the laws, they are totally illegal and a LEGAL way simply doesn't exist, but crooked sheriffs made a few bucks, wrote a permit and that was that....it's really sad that eventually, these honest people are going to be crucified in the news......that's america though
RE: What to do about illegal selling of hots?
by richardduckworth on July 6, 2007
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and i forgot to add that maybe handling it WITH THAT GUY would be the best solution.....if someone is knowingly doing something illegal, they'll stop a lot of times because "the secret is out" and they'll fear getting in trouble, especially a business......
RE: What to do about illegal selling of hots?
by Buzztail1 on July 6, 2007
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It is interesting that this comes up at this particular moment in time.
I believe that there are several people advertising animals of questionable legality in our classifieds.
The question of whether or not you, yourself, are legal within your state is often difficult to ascertain. Especially since everyone you talk to on the telephone or by email seems to have a different answer.
I would recommend putting your concerns and questions in writing and sending them via US Mail to:
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
4010 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23230
In each case, if you contact the home office of your state's DNR/FWC&C/F&G/whatever applies VIA US MAIL and ask for a written response, you will have, in writing, the official answer should any questions come up about your own legality following your own investigation into the laws.
Hope this helps,
Karl H. Betz
RE: What to do about illegal selling of hots?
by BigBend66 on July 7, 2007
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Being a retired DNR and knowing a little about this, I will give my input. The people in question are able to sell these snakes in Virginia , even if they own a pet store. long as the buyer does not make the purchase in the store or the animals have not been advertised by the store , with the store name. I hope I wrote this so we could all understand. Collin
RE: What to do about illegal selling of hots?
by jared on July 7, 2007
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The state of VA typically runs by city or county ordinance. You can possess native hots up to 5, including C horridus, as it is written Canebrakes are the only prohibited species (per speakin with dnr, which I did not know) Like this, Hampton city, illegal to own any snakes, Isle of wight and other counties you can keep whatever you wish. Know which city or county ordinance your referring to, as in VA the vary greatly and cities right next to each other may be wide open, and the next totally banned (Va beach and Norfolk for example). Hope it helps,
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