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Montana alert
by tigers9 on July 10, 2007
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Public Notices
ARM Rule - 5/21/2007
Corrected Notice of Public Hearing-Exotic Species
Notice of public hearing regarding adding species to non-controlled, controlled, and prohibited lists of exotic species. A hearing will be held on May 30, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, 1420 East Sixth Avenue, Helena, Montana.
Notice Attachments
Corrected Notice of Public Hearing-Exotic Species [70.99 KB]
Public Notices
ARM Rule - 5/7/2007
Exotic Wildlife Rule Change
The attached proposed rule change includes changes to the exotic wildlife classification lists and also proposed changes to provide for fees associated with controlled species permits. Proposed changes include the addition of 2 frog families and 2 scorpion species to the noncontrolled list. The proposed additions to the prohibited list are old world primates, giant constrictors, reptiles in the family Alligatoridae and Crocodylidae, Eurasian ruffe, round goby, white perch and Quagga mussels. The public is encouraged to comment on the proposed rule changes. A fee of $25 is proposed for controlled species permits when breeding and/or sale of the animal does not occur and a fee of $100 is proposed for controlled species permits when breeding and/or sale is intended. Changes to the rule are either indicated by underlines signifying additions or strike throughs indicating omissions. Public comment will be received until June 7; a public hearing will be held on May 30, 2007, at 7pm in the Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks headquarters in Helena.
Notice Attachments
Tentative Rule [41.00 KB]
Contact Information
Beth Giddings
PO Box 200701
Helena, Montana 59620
The public comment period for this notice has ended.
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