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Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by twilliamsherp on July 12, 2007
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If anyone is interested, Tennessee just released the names of some of the individuals arrested in their state wide bust. I'm new to the site so I didn't recognize any names. Thought yall would like to know...
RE: Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by NajaAnja on July 13, 2007
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Was this in a press release? If so just post the link to the article.
RE: Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by twilliamsherp on July 13, 2007
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I got it off the state's web site...tnwildlife.org...then I googled it and found news articles.
RE: Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by thedude on July 13, 2007
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Is a video of the some of the snakes and gators in question. They all appeared to be in good health and the enclosures were spacious and clean. That don't make it legal though! Apparently in Tennessee you can't even keep a bullfrog you caught as a pet (per TWRA's website)!
RE: Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by richardduckworth on July 13, 2007
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what did benjamin franklin always say? something to the effect that too many laws is as bad as having now law? that laws should really apply to something for good reason? that they shouldn't be manipulated?
i can grasp the concept of not letting everyone have a gaboon viper, but c'mon, a western diamondback or mohave? how is that any worse than an eastern diamondback or canebrake (timber, whatever, they're more neurotoxic in the south either way) as far as bites and antivenom are concerned?
wait another 100 years. there will be more laws and society will continue sliding down the slope it's been on since day one.
RE: Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by richardduckworth on July 13, 2007
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just watched the clip and wow, i can't believe they took the "kids almost died" angle. how sad is it that the facts aren't impressive, so these "angles" are totally necessary to get the support of the general public, which is all these little clips are for. they're not very informative, they're not relevant to much really, and they only want people to say "dang man, they're keeping us safe!"
just ridiculous. i wonder if they'd show turtles going on a rampage if they made some of those busts. it's funny that in ardmore (city that sits on the TN/AL line), one side of town can legally keep native venomous and turtles, while the other can't lol.
i feel so safe
RE: Tennessee releases names of some arrested...
by MeToo on July 24, 2007
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The people arrested are already showing their level of responsibility and maturity by breaking the law. If you'd go out your way to break the law, then you have no respect for society. And I wouldn't exactly say that they "played up" the "kid angle", if it's a fact that there were children in the homes where some of the snakes were being kept-then it's a fact. Should it have been entirely hidden in order to keep those keepers from looking worse? What's more important, the children or the snakes and the illegal keepers? Could those keepers 100% guarantee that none of the venomous snakes could ever get loose and not bite a child? What if the keeper was to be bitten, and be incapacitated before he could control the animal and secure it back into its cage-if they were irresponsible enough to be breaking the law in the first place, then they could be irresponsible enough to not worry about the snake getting loose while they either try to seek help, if they can, or "ride it out" in order to not be charged and have their illegal animals confiscated. If they wanted to keep that badly, they should move where it's legal-preferably a place like Florida with some regulation, so that people have a chance to protect the safety of their pets and children if one escapes. But of course, having no respect for the law or for others, they probably wouldn't bother to do it legally even in Florida. That's why I do all I can to know who has what in my neighborhood-and I WILL call the authorities if I learn of someone keeping venomous, especially non-native, snakes. If that makesanyone go "underground", then they would do so anyway, because they have no respect for others and their right to safety. And don't give me the statistics about lightning/dogs/bathtubs--percentages are what matter, not raw numbers. Pet dogs are an animal that has been domesticated for centuries, and even help man in rescue and recovery, seeing, etc. Let me know the day anyone trains a snake to be a "seeing eye" snake. If you're going to keep, keep legally and responsibly-it's on YOU if you don't, as the one introducing the animal into the community. It's not on the public to downplay the the actions of the irresponsible ones.
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